Wednesday, May 16th 2007
DirectX 10 Demo - Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
Finally, the first of its kind playable DirectX 10 demo PC title - Lost Planet: Extreme Condition is now available for download as promised. Click here and choose to download either the DX9 demo or the long aticipated DX10 Lost Planet PC demo(Windows Vista only). Please read the Capcom blog if you encounter any problems. I'll also use this news post to add link to Legit Reviews benchmark article: Benchmarking DirectX10 - Lost Planet Extreme Condition, where both NVIDIA's 8800GTX and ATI's latest creation HD 2900XT are being tested head to head in DX10 environment.
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78 Comments on DirectX 10 Demo - Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
EDIT: Pretty sad that they were payed to make the game run properly on the 8800GTX and not the HD 2900XT; I demand a lawsuit be filed, this is serious monopoly, happened to ATI Before they joined with AMD, AMDTI dont resort to these tactics at all and look what Nvidia does?
Its a direct Xbox port, its almost unplayable, it wont even let me bind the mouse buttons to the proper controls, and the revert to default buttons broken, so i just had to end-task the game, since i couldnt shoot, and it got into a loop with rebinding the controls.
This isnt a demo - its barely leaked beta quality.
Edit: oh and 1280x720 is the only resolution that even works properly, so to run this demo properly you need...
Core 2 duo CPU
High definition TV at 720p - no PC resolutions for you
Xbox360 controller - mouse buttons as shoot? no, use the G key! (Press A to continue, press B to pick up item... etc)
Edit: I can bind mouse keys fine, perhaps its just your system with the problem? Also I didn't realize there was a resolution issue, I do use an LCD HDTV so that resolution looked pretty nice. I thought it was set at that just because of my system.
Edit: ok so it works in windowed mode. *shudder*
I'm getting very sick of 'press B to X' (pick up item, dig, and so on) - why couldnt they have done something like say 'press E' which is the actual default key?
Graphics are good, i'm not in the best position to tell since its barely filling 2/3 of my screen, i cant really make out the details.
oh and another bitch about the game, you cant quit! lol, you have to alt-enter (windowed mode) and hit the X (close) button, alt-tab doesnt work, alt-F4 doesnt work, and trying to quit just lets me choose what level to play... again.
how many of you will actually buy and play that lost planet game?
looks like a good game with a bad port for now.
To be honest, they have a disclaimer at the start saying its not finished - i'm just annoyed that this buggy software is the first real test of my GTX :( wheres the call of juarez DX10 patch? :(
in dx9, min req gfx is 6600 or greater..
ans in dx10, 8600 or greater...that means the next dx10 product line is going to arrive in upcoming years, just like Geforce7 did... :\
it means that 8600 suxx... (we know that anyway)
I think my 8800gts has got to go...and I can get a 2900xt later...
has nVidia lost the dx10 war ??
Secondly, you may have chosen to ignore the reviews comment about ATi driver issues at launch, specifically on Call of Juarez, so I'll quote it here:
"Yesterday we showed that ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT video card had image quality issues on Call of Juarez and today we find out that ATI has many driver issues on Lost Planet. Both of these PC game titles are DirectX 10, which is what people have been waiting many months to come out. Now the benchmarks and demos are finally available it's obvious that ATI still has a way to go on their drivers. I'll cut them some slack though as their video card has only been out for a day, but don't forget the ATI HD 2900 XT was supposed to be out last year and it was delayed over six months. With the long delay and rumors that the HD 2000 Series would destroy all on DX10 applications. The past 24 hours have been an eye opener for all those in PC industry as that has not been the case at all. The ball is in AMD's court and for their sake I hope they can get their drivers working right for DirectX 10 applications as right now the game demos from Techland/Ubisoft and Capcom don't look too hot on AMD/ATI cards. I guess the PR folks over at ATI and AMD are saying DAAMIT right about now... whoops... ;) " ................In my opinion if ANY manufacturer has to optimise a driver set to get a game to look good and run well they should not be retailing the card in the first place.
And lastly, you TK were one of the forum members who were shouting that the reason why it was taking ATi/AMD so long to launch the R600 was because "ATi always ensure they have correct and reliable driver support prior to release"......that it would appear is not quite the case here! :nutkick:
Having said all that, and not being a fanboi myself (have owned more ATi cards than NVidia), I think once the drivers have matured, the 2900XT as far as "Bang for Buck" is concerned will be an awesome buy, but mature they must, and why not? it took NVidia long enuff to get it right, if they are right now, my point is it does not always pay to make statements based on rumour or speculation rather than fact! (that point was not aimed at you specifically TK).
so what do you think, ATI has been left out, this is why Vavle has great games, they test with ATI and NVIDIA hardware, and make sure they run around the same preformace
the game is an xbox360 game------the game was MADE on nvidia???
All the benchmarks have that resolution in there but the game it self doesnt .... WTF
Anyone know how I could force it to that res...... :confused:
The Game runs awesome maxed out but @1024x768 coz I cant get the 1280x1024 and anything else in between looks shit.
BTW its the DX9 version.
Definately getting this one. :pimp:
Oh and lol to wiak and his quote. Kinda funny that an xbox (ATI) game got Nv sponsored really.
find the game entry command, it will be somewhere in here:
Simply change the ScreenHeight and ScreenWidth to get the desired resolution. (Be aware than the DWORD value entry box defaults to a HEX value so choose the Decimal radio button before changing the value.)
Also there is the Command line method, if not already, make sure there is a shortcut to the demo on your desktop, then go to "target" by right clicking the shortcut and you will see something like this...........
C:\GAMENAME/DIRECTORY\" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1680 +szy 1050"
Just amend the obvious resolution sizes as required, if it shows no resolution size at all, add what is shown above in inverted commas (without the inverted commas I think) and see if it works.
As I said, neither method will do any harm if it does not work providing you copy down stock settings before you amend so you can just change it back, if it does not work, the game my be resolution locked in the .ini file, you can always play with the command line in there to try if all else fails but even if that works it may actually just stretch the screen.
Got it running 30 FPS with 1280x960+HDR medium+2xAA+4xAF and most high losing motionblur and shadows on low. Actually pretty cool, like how snow is not just flat (dude makes piles when jumping) and the snowmist is awesome. And that idea of thermal energy is great. I died because didn't know where to go and wondered around too much.
Now the bad part are movement, you call that running! Well he is in some reallyreally gold place so it's realistic. And it's nice to be able to shoot backwards as well. Granade throwing is another thing that feel really bad (after BF2142) but again, big suit and really cold. Propably made that way to make it little harder that just trow nades from miles away.
If someone knows where to go after you kill the big one in the hangar and those two rolling one on the backyard, please tell.