Friday, November 3rd 2023

TechPowerUp Selects PNY as Graphics Card Provider for Review Test Systems

TechPowerUp is proud to announce a partnership with PNY, in which PNY XLR8 GeForce RTX graphics cards will power the hardware review test benches featured throughout the site. With a rich history as a key graphics vendor for professionals, PNY has established a longstanding partnership with NVIDIA, serving as a provider of high-end graphics cards and datacenter GPUs. They are also providing memory solutions for professional photographers and creators. More recently the company specialized into gaming graphics with its XLR8 GeForce graphics card series. Over the past two generations, the company has taken product design and development for these cards completely in-house, ensuring that gamers receive top-quality products.

The latest generation of PNY XLR8 GeForce RTX 40-series graphics cards have been extensively tested by TechPowerUp, showcasing exceptional noise levels, low cooler temperatures, ample overclocking potential, efficient power management, and outstanding overall performance. We were so impressed by our first PNY RTX 40-series graphics cards, especially their fan-tuning and thermals, that we decided to incorporate PNY graphics cards as the baseline for our review test beds across the site. Our partnership with PNY will see various models of PNY XLR8 GeForce RTX graphics cards form the VGA component of the test benches, across our review test setups for CPUs, motherboards, cases, memory, SSDs, CPU coolers, and more. However, it's important to note that for graphics card reviews, the baseline values continue to be obtained from reference design graphics cards.

Update 19:31 UTC: Just to clarify, this will not affect our review scoring in any way. We will continue to test AMD-based graphics cards, we will test GPUs from other manufacturers, and we will review every product in the same exact same way like we've done in the past 20 years. We simply needed a bunch of graphics cards for the test systems listed, and PNY was willing to provide them.
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87 Comments on TechPowerUp Selects PNY as Graphics Card Provider for Review Test Systems

Lew Zealand
TheinsanegamerNIf your purpose is to measure driver overhead, gimping your test bench isnt the way to do it chief.
If the purpose is to measure if driver overhead matters, then matching equipment does matter chief. Sure you can measure if it exists with a 2600 and a 3090 but if nobody uses that setup does it matter? And the result will be irrelevant as even with a 2600/10100 CPU bottleneck, the 3090 is still a little faster than a 5700XT.

But does it matter when you match a 3070 with a 2600/10100 because a 5700 XT which is usually slower when not CPU-bound is now faster in 2600/10100-limited situations thanks to driver overhead. These are GPUs you'd consider at that price point and is the relevant data if you're making a choice about max FPS with these CPUs.
Posted on Reply
W1zzardI do buy stuff from time to time, like 4060 16 gb, several intel cpus. This comes out of my own pocket, so i need to have a reason to throw that money away

Just the cpu will do, happy to test it
I would like to do that but you have to understand that I have never had as much fun Gaming. I just got a 5.0 drive installed yesterday and yes my PC feels faster than any point of ownership. The thing that I look at is the cost of a 7900X3D and 7900XT is less than a 4090 where I live. If you get a B650 board you can build a system for the cost of a 4090.
Posted on Reply
lowrider_05I´ll just wonder how the next "unbiased" Review of an PNY gpu in the future will look like or won´t there be any PNY reviews in the future?
what do you think? do you think i'm throwing away 20 years of my life's work for some fucking graphics cards? grow up
Posted on Reply
W1zzardwhat do you think? do you think i'm throwing away 20 years of my life's work for some fucking graphics cards? grow up
no I don´t think so, but this is what many will think when they read this kind of news.
Posted on Reply
lowrider_05no I don´t think so, but this is what many will think when they read this kind of news.
I posted an update to the story, maybe that helps.

This is making me sad. I'm happy that someone was willing to provide GPUs for test systems, very good ones actually, not some junk, win-win for everyone, and people keep coming up with conspiracy theories.
Posted on Reply
W1zzardI posted an update to the story, maybe that helps.

This is making me sad. I'm happy that someone was willing to provide GPUs for test systems, very good ones actually, not some junk, win-win for everyone, and people keep coming up with conspiracy theories.
Humans... you can't please them all... :)
Posted on Reply
I wonder if any of these genius theorists ever stopped to think about what TPU had to gain from that kind of thing compared to what would be on the line.
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Count von Schwalbe
W1zzardThis is making me sad. I'm happy that someone was willing to provide GPUs for test systems, very good ones actually, not some junk, win-win for everyone, and people keep coming up with conspiracy theories.
I apologize if I came across sounding like that; I was just hoping for some extra comparisons.

I personally am excited that PNY was willing to provide these, so TPU can keep making the amazing reviews that it does!
Posted on Reply
Tinfoil hats all aound.

Great news anyway, and the cards look yummy, black and yummy
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A Computer Guy
Seems like good news to me I see no reason to rain on the parade.
Posted on Reply
W1zzardYou guys are realizing that most of the hardware in our systems is provided by the mfgr?
You trying to say you don't make your own hardware? I....I don't even know what to say. I feel betrayed!
Posted on Reply
W1zzardI posted an update to the story, maybe that helps.

This is making me sad. I'm happy that someone was willing to provide GPUs for test systems, very good ones actually, not some junk, win-win for everyone, and people keep coming up with conspiracy theories.
Hi I am happy for you that you have gotten a sponsor. I am not trying to make you feel bad. I appreciate fully what you do for the space. TPU is still the most unbiased site event though everything seems to be more refined in our space. Unfortunately Matchbox vs Hot Wheels is a feature of consumer products. and though they accomplish the same purpose penis envy and buyer's narrative are even here now.
Posted on Reply
On a positive note, this has given me reason to once again consider PNY as a potential option (after writing them off for the past 20 years).

last card I bought from them (around 2002) burnt up right after the warranty expired… left me salty for a long time. LOL
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FWIW @W1zzard , Thank you for all the work you do for this site.
Posted on Reply
Lew ZealandIf the purpose is to measure if driver overhead matters, then matching equipment does matter chief. Sure you can measure if it exists with a 2600 and a 3090 but if nobody uses that setup does it matter? And the result will be irrelevant as even with a 2600/10100 CPU bottleneck, the 3090 is still a little faster than a 5700XT.

But does it matter when you match a 3070 with a 2600/10100 because a 5700 XT which is usually slower when not CPU-bound is now faster in 2600/10100-limited situations thanks to driver overhead. These are GPUs you'd consider at that price point and is the relevant data if you're making a choice about max FPS with these CPUs.
Well, if you would like to undertake all the testing for Techspot that fits YOUR specific criteria, then go right on ahead, I'm sure you'll appreciate the mountain of whiners that dont like your choice of CPU and GPU and claim it doesnt show the TRUE driver overhead argument and how that makes you an AMD/nvidia/intel shill.
Posted on Reply
Lew Zealand
TheinsanegamerNWell, if you would like to undertake all the testing for Techspot that fits YOUR specific criteria, then go right on ahead, I'm sure you'll appreciate the mountain of whiners that dont like your choice of CPU and GPU and claim it doesnt show the TRUE driver overhead argument and how that makes you an AMD/nvidia/intel shill.
TS did a pretty good job matching the 5700 XT and 3070, it's that most people focused on the 3090 vs 6950 XT as the difference was bigger, but no sane person will match those CPUs with those GPUs. The 5700 XT and 3070 are reasonable though and I've made systems like that, currently have two 4790 + 5600 XT systems and not having a 2060/Super in there probably nets me some extra frames as many games are CPU-limited.

Anyway I hope not too many people actually care about whiners online. I'd consider it a badge of honor if I did some reasonable testing and a decent amount of fanboys got pissed, especially if they came from all camps. Because then it meant something to them.
Posted on Reply
ymbajaOn a positive note, this has given me reason to once again consider PNY as a potential option (after writing them off for the past 20 years).

last card I bought from them (around 2002) burnt up right after the warranty expired… left me salty for a long time. LOL
No clear cut choice for Nvidia GPUs anymore now that EVGA purposefully left the market.
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
W1zzardYou guys are realizing that most of the hardware in our systems is provided by the mfgr?
I always assumed this. I think people are overreacting and I don't even know why this thread exists, literally every big time youtube reviewer that I watch gets sent gpu's by companies to test. lol

In other news, I just wanted to thank your great country for exporting so many foods to the USA, I had some pepperjack cheese pretzel bites imported from Germany the other day, got them at Aldi's, my oh my they were nice indeed. There is also a chocolate I have been importing from Germany called Madagascar White Vanilla, it makes my heart sing, it uses real cocoa beans and real vanilla extract from Madagascar, you can definitely tell the difference over the fake stuff.

Anyways, I will see myself out now :laugh:
Posted on Reply
WTF is with people making a mountain out of this molehill? I've never detected any hint of bias or favour in any of the reviews I've read on TPU, it's one of the reasons that I keep coming back, so it's honestly insulting to @W1zzard to imply that somehow everything is going to go to hell because he picked a sponsor for tests where that sponsor literally doesn't matter. The very fact that we have a news article informing us of this sponsorship just reinforces my belief in the basic honesty and integrity that W1zz holds his staff to for reviews. I'm certain that given that track record of integrity, not only will it continue, but extra caution will be taken in scenarios where a conflict of interest could be construed.
Posted on Reply
W1zzardThis is making me sad. I'm happy that someone was willing to provide GPUs for test systems, very good ones actually, not some junk, win-win for everyone, and people keep coming up with conspiracy theories.
Don't take it personally w1zzard. While very perplexing, I'm finding the world is increasingly fond of bizzare conspiracy theories these days, particualrly where no evidence exists for one but it just FEELS LIKE some should. I feel you are just a smallish victim in a much larger trend here. Yes it sucks, but what can you do about it? *shrugs* I guess just be a good journalist. Isn't much better way to fight back than telling the truth, right?
neatfeatguyYou trying to say you don't make your own hardware? I....I don't even know what to say. I feel betrayed!
I would buy, no lie. TPU GPU when?
Posted on Reply
W1zzardNot sure if I've ever done such a review. But yes, I could certainly do a review like that, there is no rules here that forbid it
Definitely interested, as for this I get the negs but understand the realities of testing.

Something has to be used, it should be consistent and ideally, repeatable by a third person on identical hardware using listed settings and part's.
As a pro tester in a different field this is normal, the reviews always have listed, branded parts etc.

I could with cash(for parts) copy tpus testing, even OS setup tbf.
Posted on Reply
Not a Potato
natr0nI believe pny makes official/reference cards for nvidia.

Good partnership.
I think PNY makes the Quadros for NVIDIA. Not sure if the previous reference cards and Founder Edition PCBs are also made by them.
Posted on Reply
I have had PNY in the past, they are good. In fact, was better than the same model made by another guy that I had. People are just giving a hard time because it’s not Asus, Gigabyte, MSI.. etc. that is all they know it seems.
Posted on Reply
I think many of the people complaining are just missing their reading comprehension skills.
PNY is a good brand, glad they stepped up to help out. Had a GTX 770 of theirs, good card.
Posted on Reply
That's it for me. Now all TPU reviews will be biased towards NV/PNY. This site has lost all of its credibility. I'll switch to a resource that has completely unquestioned work ethics: The Linus Media Group...

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