Sunday, July 29th 2007

First Intel Core 2 Quad Processor Q6700 Notebook

Named the D900C Phantom-X this 17-inch awesome notebook features Intel's newest line of quad-core processors the Q6600 and the Q6700, up to 750GB of internal HDD space, dual NVIDIA 7950GTX GPUs running in SLI, a Blu-ray optical drive, up to 4GB of DDR2 RAM, and a variety of ports including USB 2.0, FireWire, DVI, S-Video, a multicard reader, optical and analog audio in / out, and a gigabit Ethernet jack for good measure along with integrated Bluetooth 2.0, 802.11a/b/g, stereo speakers, a built-in microphone, 1.3 Mpixel webcam, an optional TV tuner and many many more. In it's Full Extra state this Notebook can cost up to 9.000$.
Source: Eurocom
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23 Comments on First Intel Core 2 Quad Processor Q6700 Notebook

HellasVagabondNamed the D900C Phantom-X this 17-inch awesome notebook features Intel's newest line of quad-core processors the Q6600 and the Q6700, up to 750GB of internal HDD space, dual NVIDIA 7950GTX GPUs running in SLI, a Blu-ray optical drive, up to 4GB of DDR2 RAM, and a variety of ports including USB 2.0, FireWire, DVI, S-Video, a multicard reader, optical and analog audio in / out, and a gigabit Ethernet jack for good measure along with integrated Bluetooth 2.0, 802.11a/b/g, stereo speakers, a built-in microphone, 1.3 Mpixel webcam, an optional TV tuner and many many more. In it's Full Extra state this Notebook can cost up to 9.000$.

Source: Eurocom
holy schizzle ma nizzle $9000 :eek:

damn lovely spec though i would love one, would put many desktops on here to shame :shadedshu

battery life anyone ? :confused:
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i just had a look,selected all the best options,and it was 5300 euro's.Boy what a lappie tho'
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IF you select EVERYTHING including peripherals for it ( second battery , car adapter ) the price goes up to 7000euros+.(Photo 1)
However JUST the Notebook with Windows and Office costs up to 7000$+.(Photo 2 )
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Bird of Prey
Still a pretty snazzy notebook. I can imagine your lap being set on fire by all the heat output too.

Price is a little high considering, but with all the stuff included, I can almost see why.
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Almost ? Q6700 , 4GB DDR , 2x7950GTX SLI....These 3 things alone cost 2200$...
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ive always liked lappys, put it this way if money was no object this is definately the kind of laptop i would buy, gaming perf on the go, and the e-penis to go with lol :roll:
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I don't see this as a true laptop that can be used on your laptop and on the go. This is kinda like a lan computer in my view, easier to move than a tower, but it's best if you're stationary with a power outlet.
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Well whatever we say this is by far the TOP available gaming laptop so far.
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kwchang007I don't see this as a true laptop that can be used on your laptop and on the go. This is kinda like a lan computer in my view, easier to move than a tower, but it's best if you're stationary with a power outlet.
unless you have the spare 12 cell battery at a cool $250 :wtf:
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mullered07unless you have the spare 12 cell battery at a cool $250 :wtf:
lol....which'll boost battery life from half an hour to an hour :banghead:
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HellasVagabondAn hour in a bus playing Crysis ain't bad :)
lol on a bus with that thing? you'd be mugged before you could say "crysis FTW" lol :roll:
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Do you think that a thief would notice that this Notebook has an Q6700 and dual 7950GTXs ?
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if you could afford this why the hell are you on a bus? oh yeah you spent everything you got on the lappy so its back to public transport and then you get mugged :D
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nvidia needs to hurry up developing mobile 8800's, that would be much better than the 7950 in that.
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infrarednvidia needs to hurry up developing mobile 8800's, that would be much better than the 7950 in that.
Idk how much power a mobile 8800 would pack....I'm betting it would be slower than a 8800 gts 640
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Yeah, run Orthos, flip it over and fry bacon :laugh:
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kwchang007Idk how much power a mobile 8800 would pack....I'm betting it would be slower than a 8800 gts 640
Your probably right, how is the mobile 8600 performing? A mobile 8800 would be good because it would have more power than the older, more power hungry 7950, while having the DX10 of the 8600, and longer battery live, not that you'd get long anyway! :laugh:
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infraredYour probably right, how is the mobile 8600 performing? A mobile 8800 would be good because it would have more power than the older, more power hungry 7950, while having the DX10 of the 8600, and longer battery live, not that you'd get long anyway! :laugh:
8600 gt= 32 stream processors
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dude they need to put sli 8700's thats what yall are talking about, they probably wont make a 8800 on a notebook
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TXchargerdude they need to put sli 8700's thats what yall are talking about, they probably wont make a 8800 on a notebook
Meh, they have a quad core in a laptop. 8800 in a laptop will probably be a little faster than a 8600 gts. If they have one.....we'll see.
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Gone Fishing
Damn you could buy a good second hand car for that :eek:
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