Monday, October 1st 2007

AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Black Edition Surprisingly Overclockable
When AMD first released the 5000+ version of the Black Edition series of processors, it seemed pretty unimpressive. However, the Black Edition processors are a lot like the old FX processors: they come with an unlocked multiplier, and are hand-picked for overclocking. And so, while the Black Edition processors may not be the best at stock clocks, they certainly are good at overclocking. Just as an example, a Chinese overclocker was able to push his 5000+ Black Edition to a respectable 3.5GHz on stock cooling.
Nordic Hardware
26 Comments on AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Black Edition Surprisingly Overclockable
thats one hellova processor on stock cooling :)
makes me wonder tho.. how this would compare to say a dual core Phenom??
because hitting upwards on 3.5Ghz on a dual core easily says alot, but the Phenom has been reported to be having issues with higher clock speeds (me hopes not tho)
Newer architecture possibly lower speed, older architecture higher speed... I know core frequency isnt the be all and end all, but it certainly helps.
But, one could so easily comment that if AMD has done this via a respin of a current processor chip, what they could acheive with similar techniques on a brand new architecture. Quite exciting actually :)
EDIT: 2 6000+ over 4GHZ, and 3 6400+. The top 6400+ made it to 4.2GHz on TEC.
(cries with dispair at his opty 185)
*searches his pockets for 280$ and comes out with lint*