Friday, October 19th 2007

Halo 3 Blamed for Poor Movie Attendance
Most movies that come out in America target a very slim demographic: the 18-34 year old male. However, Hollywood is facing one of the weakest box office performances on record. Instead of looking at the movies in circulation or in production, they are very quick to blame Halo 3, which also targets the 18-34 year old male demographic. "The Heartbreak Kid" is a fine example of this, according to Hollywood. Initial estimates hoped that this movie would make $25 million on the opening weekend, but in reality, it hardly made over $14 million. This is absolutely paltry compared to Halo 3 sales, which were $300 million in the first week. While "The Heartbreak Kid" may have gotten relatively mediocre ratings, Hollywood would much rather blame the extreme success of Halo 3 than look inwards and wonder whether or not people really want to see movies like "The Heartbreak Kid".
27 Comments on Halo 3 Blamed for Poor Movie Attendance
(1) Reservoir dogs
(2) Dusk till Dawn 1
(3) Pulp Fiction (for my money his finest)
Tarrantino is selling on his name and nothing more with Death Proof and Planet Terror which both were separate films in the UK meaning i paid £14.40 to watch two shite films.
Im a fan too, and I admit that Tarantino fucked that one (Death Proof). Planet Terror was entertaining enough to watch, while I found Death Proof downright boring. Also consider that Quentin Tarantino didnt direct Planet Terror.
Death Proof is a decent film in terms of cinematography, but the plotline was just a bore.
$7.50- one movie ticket to a movie you'll see once $225 for 30 days
$8.00- drink and popcorn for one $240 for 30 days
$59.99 for Halo 3 ONCE
$7.99 Gold Membership on Xbox Live
Now which one will the SMART person want to pay for?
Social degredation :shadedshu
I have an HD projector, there are few films I go to see in the Cinema.
The Cinema is something soon to fade away, though, I did just go and see Run Fat Boy Run, which was alright.