Saturday, October 27th 2007

AMD Black Edition CPU May Not Help AMD-based Motherboard Demand
Although AMD has launched the Black Edition Athlon 64 X2 5000+ CPU with an unlocked multiplier, some motherboard makers are taking a conservative view over whether the CPU will help win back market share. Although it is available for about $130, motherboard makers have no plans to adjust their current shipment proportions since they do not think the Black Edition CPUs will lead to any increase in demand for AMD motherboards. Currently, motherboard makers are putting their hopes on AMD's next-generation Phenom processors, but even so, they are not expecting to see any real boost in demand for a couple of months. AMD will launch the first Phenom-based CPUs on November 20th this year.
15 Comments on AMD Black Edition CPU May Not Help AMD-based Motherboard Demand
mobo manufacturers are trying to cut/save costs i suppose & since C2D's have been out for a while & are selling rather well compared to AMD's offers it makes a lot of sense.
hopefully AMD will going & release a kick ass CPU to win back the market as well as its respect.
I'd grab it if I was on an AM2 system already (and didn't have a faster chip), but wouldn't buy a new board for one. Not this close to the release of the Phenom and AMD 7-series chipsets.
1. Has an AMD motheboard already or
2. Already has a C2D based system, and says "F*** that"
3. Any potential upgraders will probably go C2D, unless
4. They are a diehard AMD fanboy. Not many of these.
Tis a shame, otherwise I'd have one of those on the way, if I had seen it in time. I'm not an AMD fan boy, but I do like supporting the under-dog.
You couldn't pay me to use a C2D (besides the naming convention that really pisses me off haha).
Intel execs should be takin out and shot. You would have to be smoking crack for a year straight to think that I'd even touch something as disgusting as an intel cpu.
that statement couldn't be farther from the truth, you mean e6850>am26400 lol