Wednesday, November 7th 2007

Target Bans Manhunt 2 From Their Stores

While the ESRB may have allowed Rockstar games to sell Manhunt 2, retail stores can still choose whether or not they want to sell it. In a move that will please parents everywhere, Target is refusing to sell Manhunt 2 in any of their store locations. They will continue to not-sell-it until all the gore is removed instead of just hidden away, to be unlocked like it was for the PSP. In Target's exact words...
Target strives to provide merchandise that will appeal to a wide variety of guests. We also want guests to be comfortable with the purchasing decisions they make at Target. All video games and computer software sold at Target currently carry ratings by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB)--from early childhood through mature audiences. While Manhunt 2 was given a Mature rating by the ERSB, we received additional information that players can potentially view previously filtered content by altering the game code. As a result, we have decided not to carry the game
Source: 1Up
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25 Comments on Target Bans Manhunt 2 From Their Stores

As much as I liked the first Manhunt, I have to agree with Target doing this. I think Rockstar went to far with this game and didn't think about psychological impacts... :ohwell:
Posted on Reply
kinda funny, I remember when half life came out (I was 10 or 11) 'altered code' via a blood and gore mod that made extra blood and gore...good times, to bad stores try to ruin good fun these days. :rolleyes: (Yess....I guess I see why they did it...but come on, if your concerned, don't get it (Or because your not interested in the game.))
Posted on Reply
GSG-9kinda funny, I remember when half life came out (I was 10 or 11) 'altered code' via a blood and gore mod that made extra blood and gore...good times, to bad stores try to ruin good fun these days. :rolleyes: (Yess....I guess I see why they did it...but come on, if your concerned, don't get it (Or because your not interested in the game.))
Extra blood and gore is one thing, killing people in very extreme manners is another. Additionally, it is kinda hard for some people to realize that they should be concerned about what they are playing (and are passive to the death, without knowing how it is effecting their psyche).
Posted on Reply
RavenasExtra blood and gore is one thing, killing people in very extreme manners is another. Additionally, it is kinda hard for some people to realize that they should be concerned about what they are playing (and are passive to the death, without knowing how it is effecting their psyche).
Well said...and good album by the way. :toast:
Posted on Reply
Sold my stars!
what i say to target: :wtf: :slap::nutkick::shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu
Posted on Reply
This is a good move by Target, at least from an ethical standpoint. The 'hidden' gore was a bad idea by Rockstar. They knew what they were doing, and that the information would get out, most of that kinda thing is leaked by the game developers anyways.

They got around the rating system this way, and it's pretty shady.

Though, I do have to laugh at the irony of Target being the retail store to support morals/ethics; after that long stint (and probably still do) they had in supporting and funding planned parenthood.
Posted on Reply
Not this nonsense again.

Rockstar has always pushed the boundaries of what's socially acceptable.
I'm mean there has to be something wrong mentally with the person playing the game to go and re-inact a scene they saw on a console.

I think the worse case I know of personally is one of my mates doing an all nighter playing GTA:SA, then, drove to work, stopped his car right next to a wall with graffiti on it and jumped out to spray over it even though he had no spray can on him at the time.
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We want to appeal to a wide variety of guests by limiting them what we offer!

This is all ridiculous. It should be offered along with other games; just card gamers buying it like some stores (Circuit City, for example) do with M rated games.

I love how ESRB ratings aren't legally enforcable, however stores treat them more seriously than movie or CD ratings. I wonder how many underage kids have bought any of the "Saw" movies without a hitch, however when they try to buy a new first person shooter they need their mom to go with them.
Posted on Reply
Lol are you kidding me? I bought mature games from EB/Gamestop/Best Buy/Wal-Mart/Media Play when I was like 14... even 13. Carding people is rarely enforced where I am from.
Posted on Reply
Knows what makes you tick
This is BS IMO. I have a red white and blue american right to buy a game where I can kill insane people in every concieveable manner including, but not limited to: Dismemberment, wood chipper, meat grinder, or other mass slicing devices.

Honestly, if your psyche isn't capable, then you should be watching the Care Bears, not playing a game like Manhunt. If Target wants to do something, then make SURE to card everyone attempting to buy it.
Posted on Reply
JC316This is BS IMO. I have a red white and blue american right to buy a game where I can kill insane people in every concieveable manner including, but not limited to: Dismemberment, wood chipper, meat grinder, or other mass slicing devices.

Honestly, if your psyche isn't capable, then you should be watching the Care Bears, not playing a game like Manhunt. If Target wants to do something, then make SURE to card everyone attempting to buy it.
Posted on Reply
This is a load of shit!!!!
if ur not gonna accept stuff like this y have the ratings!!!!!

& its reduculous. what there selling does not contain the removed blurring or anything!

its as stupid as saying we cant sell you a computer coz your under age & u could use it to make bombs & download porn!

if someone wants 2 hackup the game & change the way it is then thats there choice!!!!

had a look at an interview a while ago & someone said rockstar is not responsible for "hiding" this. (unlike the "Hot Coffee" incident) but they edited the game to make it acceptable as an MA game & ppl fucked with it!

tell me... what game CANT u screw around with! its reduculous!

(whats even crappier is that the Australian rating board banned this for Aus!!!!! i think coz of the mod... but its rediculous! some of the other games they allowed were worse!....)

Ah well...... Thank god for horny uni students creating the net....:)
torrents anyone?

(any abusive or unneeded mentions of "torrents" is for pure entertainment purposes only. plz dont give me shit bout mentioning it!)
Posted on Reply
V lyx
I don't like this game but I wouldn't hinder someone else from buying it for that. You can only get this game if your 18+ anyways. Target not selling it only pisses off those that want to play it.

If a parent buys this for there kid then it's there problem not anyone else's(and don't say these games make people kill etc.). I mean come on how many people care what other people or there kids do?

If you don't want it, then don't buy it. I don't complain and try to get spinach banned because it tastes like crap and might be infected with ecoli. :pimp:

p.s. I'm drunk.
Posted on Reply
"Rockstar has always pushed the boundaries of what's socially acceptable.
I'm mean there has to be something wrong mentally with the person playing the game to go and re-inact a scene they saw on a console."

This has nothing to do with the arguement of 'do games make people violent' ...

This is about Target not wanting to subject their customers to a store that sells products that are wanton and gruesome. Just like you probably won't find any pornography in stores. They don't NOT carry pornography because they are afraid someone might buy it, watch it, then go out and sexually assault someone, rather it's a matter of taste, protocol and customer/public relations.

"had a look at an interview a while ago & someone said rockstar is not responsible for "hiding" this. (unlike the "Hot Coffee" incident) but they edited the game to make it acceptable as an MA game & ppl fucked with it!"

Why did they bother? I've yet to find a reason why they would waste extra time coding this over the top 'gore,' if it was not to be released.... my only conclusion is that they did it via their initial designs/plans, and then when the game was reviewed it failed to pass. So they went back and ghetto-rigged it by 'hiding' the content.

If that's true, that's pathetic. They could have easily submitted a portion of the mature content to the rating's board very early on, to just ensure that they could continue with the project. Apparently they didn't, bad move on their part.

Though I'm more in the belief that they knew what they were doing, they purposely hid it, to get the MA rating, then leaked the information so their loyal fans could 'unlock' it, and have a good time. Because we all know, without the gruesome violence their games would just suck right? Is that what we are saying? Is that what they are saying?

The worst part about all of this is, that people are so quick to jump on the 'oh you can't tell us what to do, we're not psychotic! we aren't going to kill anyone! Quit being such hard asses and just sell the game!' bandwagon. Yet why? It doesn't even affect them. One retail store in all of the world (well large retail) is not going to carry ONE game, and not even a HUGELY popular game. So what is it to them? Principle? Because if we're talking principle, let's discuss the principles of a morals and ethics, or rather lack there of, in modern society..

But they wouldn't know anything about that now would they?
Posted on Reply
JC316This is BS IMO. I have a red white and blue american right to buy a game where I can kill insane people in every concieveable manner including, but not limited to: Dismemberment, wood chipper, meat grinder, or other mass slicing devices.
That would be funny if you weren't serious...In any event, all this whining about a store deciding what they choose to sell is silly.

You can still get your idiotic gore fix, you just might actually have to shop somewhere besides TARGET
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
JC316This is BS IMO. I have a red white and blue american right to buy a game where I can kill insane people in every concieveable manner including, but not limited to: Dismemberment, wood chipper, meat grinder, or other mass slicing devices.

Honestly, if your psyche isn't capable, then you should be watching the Care Bears, not playing a game like Manhunt. If Target wants to do something, then make SURE to card everyone attempting to buy it.
Then that card would have to have your medical/psychology story printed on it. If ones mind is on the brink, one probably don't care about ratings, and true psychopaths get what they want.

I think it's pretty good move. I don't see the point with such games.
Posted on Reply
hmmm.... some pretty damn good points on here... although im personaly with the "if you dont want it then u wont buy it... so y not just sell it 2 the ppl who will buy it!" bandwagon

its all a personal choice! y not give us that choice...... (also on another topic.. the same goes for weed... im not responsible 4 ppl reading this!!!!!!)

(p.s. please dont ban me for writing stuff that should b counted under the freedom of speech act.
p.p.s. please dont take into consideration that i dont live in the U.S.!)
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
Firedomain(p.s. please dont ban me for writing stuff that should b counted under the freedom of speech act.
No worries, one of the mods is Dutch. ;)
Posted on Reply
Firedomainhmmm.... some pretty damn good points on here... although im personaly with the "if you dont want it then u wont buy it... so y not just sell it 2 the ppl who will buy it!" bandwagon

its all a personal choice! y not give us that choice...... (also on another topic.. the same goes for weed... im not responsible 4 ppl reading this!!!!!!)

(p.s. please dont ban me for writing stuff that should b counted under the freedom of speech act.
p.p.s. please dont take into consideration that i dont live in the U.S.!)
It's not like this game can't be bought, just not at a major "family friendly" retailer such as Target. If you're that anxious to kill people in extreme ways, buy it online, no one's stopping you.
Posted on Reply
yer, again with the good points.... family orientated is the beast reason ive read yet.

i guess extreme violent games in a family orientated store dont really make much sence!

my appologies for the crap ive been writing (this 1 & the last) seeing as i 2 am currently drunk! rofl
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TArget has just as much a right to sell what they wish, as we do in buying whatever we wish. Personally I'd rather have them sell my son (if I had one) a playboy mag than this game.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
I have no problem with Target choosing not to sell the game. It's their store, and they can choose what they sell.

The only thing I would have a problem with, is if the game was outright banned in the US.
Posted on Reply
like it is in AUS :(

god i love the net!
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