Monday, November 26th 2007
IBM Seeks to Place Commercials Inside DVD Movies
While companies probably get plenty of advertising revenue from putting previews in behind DVD movies, IBM seeks to go above and beyond the call of duty. IBM recently applied for a patent. If granted, IBM would own the means to essentially place commercials in the middle of a DVD movie. You can read the exact workings of this new system by reading the patent. IBM argues that such invasive and interruptive methods of advertising "may be a great source of advertising revenues that are not being tapped...revenues from DVD advertising may contribute to the reduction in cost of the DVDs." Of course, if IBM does start flooding DVDs with unwanted advertisements, chances are users will make their DVDs extremely pirating them, thus avoiding the advertisements in the first place.
Reg Hardware
27 Comments on IBM Seeks to Place Commercials Inside DVD Movies
The bloody adverts at the start of the disc which can't be skipped are bad enough never mind putting them in the middle of a film...
"Luke.. I am .. going crazy over these prices, up to 50% off... your father.. " lol
It is already absurd that I can't output S-video to my projector from my PC through a graphics card if I want to see the movie on my screen too.
I can always use a ripper and not have to worry about the "digital content protection". It just shows that the legal way stops you from doing what is right, and you are forced to perform "illegal" measures to use your paid for entertainment.
Apple sucks too.
And yes, this is really stupid, make the already small space of DVD even smaller. No need to mention I won't be buying such DVDs. Those that don't have middle-film-ads I'll continue to support, if the price is right. They always say things like this, just like ingame ads would bring game prices down. It all just a big pile of BS, prices don't come down (and haven't), they are just greedy and want to make a bigger profit.
Then people who would like to save a little money and are will to put up with the advertising can do so.
They used to at first release the DVD with both Full Screen and Widescreen on the same disc but then went and said no We will decide if we want the movie to be widescreen or if we want the movie to be full-screen.
And thats very confusing to the customer since some studios don't always release a DVD in both formats and the customers are saying "Wheres the full-Screen format" I can't find it.
The news is quite ironic considering the other thread describing potential customers who choose not to buy from companies who smack them in the face with ads and spam. Consumers need to voice their outrage over this junk and stop supporting companies who choose to operate in that manner.
Don't like it. Don't buy it
They will soon get the picture! (get it.. picture... lol)
If this ever happens I will buy even LESS DVDs than I already do. I fucking HATE having to watch anti-piracy/copyright bullshit at the start of a DVD. I JUST BOUGHT the damn thing. The irony is that if I download a 700Mb Divx file it will start with the movie straight away. No adverts, no trailers, no crap.
What was the last DVD you bought that was put out by IBM? What was the last DVD you bought that IBM had anything to do with at all? Oh, thats right, IBM has nothing to do with DVD movies. So right now they have absolutely no way of implementing this technology and they are going to have to convince a lot of people it is a good idea before it will ever see the light of day. The main ones being the movie studios, which couldn't care less about ad dollars, they only care about selling movies and this WON'T sell movies.
I actually found that downloading the mvoie I want to watch is EASIER than getting up, going to a store, finding the damned thing, going to the cashier, who's on their first day, EVERY DAY, and can't work the register, walk home, put it in the DVD player, have to watch stupid ads, then anti-piracy warnings, then the crappy stupid menu, with options for unneeded and unwanted features come up. I have to click Ok like twice. After that, the screen shows a crappy quality video, with jumping and skipping between layers. At the end of the film, I feel wasted, exhausted, and have a sore arse, cos I just sat and watched a terrible film, that I bought.
Piracy will never go away, but to combat piracy, you've got to stop charging so much, give the consumer what they want, and take out ads of any kind, only idiots watch those.
As was said, films have been getting worse and worse, so there's nothing anyone wants to buy to watch in years to come, and why warn about piracy, if the person's just bought a legit DVD? Any pirated DVD will likely be devoid of the warnings anyhow.
We will soon see ads on DVDs. It's not if, it's when.