Friday, December 14th 2007

Vista Made to Work on Eee PC

Despite the limited hard drive space and relatively low system specs, a user over at the MoDaCo forums has managed to get Windows Vista working on one of ASUS' 4GB Eee PCs. All you need is an Eee PC, a Windows Vista disk, an SD card (at least 2GB, preferably more) and a 1GB USB flash drive. The process, which can be seen here, basically involves using vLite to create a streamlined Vista installation without features you don't need, copying that to the USB drive and installing the OS onto the Eee PC from there. After that you need to move the Side-by-Side (WinSXS) directory to the SD card in order to free up some disk space, and from there you should have a working Windows Vista installation. So any Eee PC owners desperate to run Microsoft's latest operating system can now do so, albeit a bit sluggishly.
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12 Comments on Vista Made to Work on Eee PC

I only ask this. Why would anyone want to do this anyways? I can see a nice slipstreamed XP install, but to put Vista on it is jusy dumb. I just don't understand the logic that someone need Vista on that thing. Hell, I would not recommend Vista unless it is the 64-bit version and you have 4GB system ram.
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woot, bet it takes 10 hours to open a window, and you get 10FPS while playing minesweeper.
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only reason to buy that pc is that its running Linux I thought it would be cheaper than it is so the price tag blew the only other reason to buy it:rolleyes:
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Heh, I could put linux on my laptop...there goes it's remaining reason...
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Sold my stars!
heres a question.. why would you want to install that POS OS on that? i mean its not like you're gonna use dx10 on eee
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panchomanheres a question.. why would you want to install that POS OS on that? i mean its not like you're gonna use dx10 on eee
Quarenteed someone will try though :roll:
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I wonder how it runs crysis?
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-2kill-I wonder how it runs crysis?
Crysis on that:eek: maybe 2fps if ur lucky slideshow yeah
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TripriftCrysis on that:eek: maybe 2fps if ur lucky slideshow yeah
That will be one hell of a slideshow on that tiny monitor screen:laugh::laugh:
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Do I see a 1.0 on the system experience index? :rolleyes:
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zekrahminatorDo I see a 1.0 on the system experience index? :rolleyes:
lol I think your right zek lol:laugh::laugh::laugh:
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