Tuesday, February 5th 2008

EA Predicts PS3 will Outsell Xbox 360 in 2008
Industry giant Electronic Arts is predicting much greater success for Sony's PS3 console over the next year, following disappointing sales in 2007. Last year the PS3 lagged well behind the Wii and Xbox 360 in terms of sales, with the Wii coming out significantly ahead of both. However, EA is predicting that the coming year will see Nintendo sell between 12m and 14m Wii consoles, Sony between 9.5m and 11.5m PS3s and Microsoft just 6m to 8m Xbox 360s. The PS2 is still expected to sell in its millions, with estimated figures of 3.9m to 4.9m units. Meanwhile EA reckons the DS will continue to dominate the handheld market by selling 14m to 16m units, with the PSP struggling to compete on 6m to 8m. That said, Xbox 360 sales figures can be expected to drop gradually, as the market is likely to become saturated sooner given its much earlier release date.
42 Comments on EA Predicts PS3 will Outsell Xbox 360 in 2008
The PS3 has not had a high failure rate like the Xbox360.
I know and have heard a lot of people didnt get an Xbox360 bc of this and got a PS3 instead.
No need to get snippy. I was just asking.
Also, EA most be going PS3 crazy:
EA dev says PSN will rival Xbox Live.
its a simply maths (or money) problem. why make one game for one system for 50million when you can make 2 or 3 for another system. the products you have out there the more likely you have a better return. investers dont like the eggs all in one basket scenario.
sony will continue to promote the PS3, but looking a the sales figures for christmas and jan, the PS3 is still looking like a weak 3rd. currently its advantage is that it can play blu-ray disk, soon they will be $200 (or £150) or cheaper blu-ray players, so what advantage will they be then?