Tuesday, February 5th 2008

EA Predicts PS3 will Outsell Xbox 360 in 2008
Industry giant Electronic Arts is predicting much greater success for Sony's PS3 console over the next year, following disappointing sales in 2007. Last year the PS3 lagged well behind the Wii and Xbox 360 in terms of sales, with the Wii coming out significantly ahead of both. However, EA is predicting that the coming year will see Nintendo sell between 12m and 14m Wii consoles, Sony between 9.5m and 11.5m PS3s and Microsoft just 6m to 8m Xbox 360s. The PS2 is still expected to sell in its millions, with estimated figures of 3.9m to 4.9m units. Meanwhile EA reckons the DS will continue to dominate the handheld market by selling 14m to 16m units, with the PSP struggling to compete on 6m to 8m. That said, Xbox 360 sales figures can be expected to drop gradually, as the market is likely to become saturated sooner given its much earlier release date.
42 Comments on EA Predicts PS3 will Outsell Xbox 360 in 2008
The graphics were terrible compared to my Xbox 360. The load times were ridiculous the horrible networking made me give mine up immediately.
The Xbox will always be king in my book.
...yes, I even had the PS3 hooked up to a 52 inch HDTV. (still sucked!) :cry:
on the other hand what do Xbox have planned to kill such titles?
EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot to mention that since Blu-ray is really showing a lot of dominance right now, it only helps the sells of the PS3 that much more.
I can see the PS3 going belly up as each week a PS3 version of whatever game is pulled due to development costs, so only the bigger companies are going to be able to support the PS3. Square and Konami know they have to produce a xbox 360/pc version of there games to recop costs of PS3 development.
We saw this once with the PS1 and the Saturn, higher development cost puts studios off. The console and the development tools need to easy to use and produce brillant results everytime.
The PS3 is this generations saturn!
Resistance 2
Metal Gear Solid 4
Killzone 2
Little Big Planet
Soul Calibur
Maybe a new God of War or Heavenly Sword
Unchated is still selling well also.
Square and Konami won't be going multi-platform, and both of them have openly said that. For you to say that is just spreading false information.
i really want the Xbox myself just the PS3 does have those exclusive games that i know i will enjoy.
god what does EA know nothing i tells ya
they havnt even made a decent game since Fifa 95 on the Sega Mega Drive(genesis)
I hope the PS3 burns in hell its so shitty i cant believe people are buying into it cant you see with its Blu Ray player, linux, mouse and keyboard support its trying to be a pc.
The graphics arnt better than a 360 maybe par on some games but never better.
BUT you can bet people will buy a PS3 for one game Metal Gear Solid 4 becasue they are so stupid and ignorant. Oh and WHY do people say im getting a PS3 for GTA 4 when its also out on xbox 360 and will have a cheaper price due to not being on Blu Ray disk and the console is cheaper as well.
Not a big fan of any console just the views of a pc gamer concerned about sony trying to take over the planet.
Completely agree about DS tho i have one and its just a fun thing to play on the go or for a few minutes when your bored.
1. Try finding a Blu-ray player that costs significantly less than PS3.
2. There is no way you can build a PC that plays games that look as good as PS3 right now for the same price ($400-$500). Oh and btw, they do look better or on par with 360 (except when devs are lazy!). Remember 360 was out a whole year before PS3, therefore this year will bring in real next-gen games for PS3.
3. GTA will cost the same on Xbox 360 and PS3. (You know, like every OTHER game that is multiplatform.)
2. You have to remember--not only do you need a PS3...you also need an HDTV (this makes the price of the PS3 go up). I am going to have to disagree with you that the PS3 games look better or are on par with the Xbox 360. I owned the same systems like you and I was very disappointed with the graphics on the PS3.
I do think that the graphics will eventually be better than the Xbox 360, but definitely NOT yet. There is a lot of potential though.