Saturday, February 9th 2008

Social Networking Sites Used by Gangs to Recruit

MySpace has gotten quite a bad reputation. It was put off as a "dates-r-us" for pedophiles at one point, at another it was seen as a distraction to minors, but now it seems like MySpace got a crown for the pile of dirt on their doorstep. Police departments all around America are confirming that criminal gangs (mostly local) are recruiting on social networking sites, especially MySpace. What's worse still is that gang fights will start on the internet, and then people will take them to the street. Some gangs will even post a form of propaganda, just for the purpose of getting children to join their gangs. In response to this story, some social networking sites have already declared that anything illegal or gang-related is immediately deleted and cause for an on-the-spot ban.
Source: The Inquirer
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37 Comments on Social Networking Sites Used by Gangs to Recruit

Editor & Senior Moderator
Some Jehadi groups ARE actually recruiting jr. doctors (students of medicine). I was approached by a guy.
Posted on Reply
Thermopylae_480I'm really getting tired of the constant American bashing. It is not going to be tolerated anymore. It is insulting to other members, and perpetuation of an untrue stereotype.
Thank you!

I hate it when people say "Oh the US is the dumbest" and all that crap. Cause we're really not.

My 0.02
Posted on Reply
tiysThank you!

I hate it when people say "Oh the US is the dumbest" and all that crap. Cause we're really not.

My 0.02
Posted on Reply
btarunrSome Jehadi groups ARE actually recruiting jr. doctors (students of medicine). I was approached by a guy.
Man that is scary:eek: Did he try to intimidate you at all?
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
SK-1Man that is scary:eek: Did he try to intimidate you at all?
He said "let us fight America". I said "go fight your fat wife first" :p

Some losers did get a little swayed, including my buddy, I just took him to a club that night and introduced him to Hangar One. Since then he's beginning to like baseball.:)
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Senior Moderator
candle_86solution for gangs is obvious, give cops the right to shoot on sight no questions asked and send the National Guard into the hood. Put a few tank rounds into there low riders and see how quickly they stop
hmmm let's recall some other police states and you can tell me how well it has worked for them....

So if I'm a cop and I see you loitering on street corner with your buddies I should pull out my sub machine gun and mow you down. I should then proceed to ascertain if you were up to no good? If you weren't oh well, the population is large enough it shouldn't matter. You got what you deserved for loitering.

If you're drunk and get in a bar fight the police should come shoot everyone involved and send you off to the morgue. You were obviously guilty of being drunk and accidentally/intentionally getting in fight. The gene pool is now better off.

If someone is robbing you and you fight back a cop should shoot both of you and then decided who was being robbed and send a nice halmark card.

Armed robbers are robbing a bank everyone in the bank should be killed because it's impossible to tell who the actual robbers are. Then we can figure out who is guilty. That's what you get for associating with robbers.

A car makes a wrong turn and ends up at a vital government facility. Everyone inside should be shot just in case who knows if they're a terrorist. They should have had GPS, there is no excuse to make a wrong turn in this day and age.

That's the America I want screw the Constitution and the Bill of Rights it's from an old outdated time. We could finally be safe from criminals.
Posted on Reply
There is nothing humans can do about this, only God can sort out the dead bodies.
Posted on Reply
Polaris573hmmm let's recall some other police states and you can tell me how well it has worked for them....


So if I'm a cop and I see you loitering on street corner with your buddies I should pull out my sub machine gun and mow you down. I should then proceed to ascertain if you were up to no good? If you weren't oh well, the population is large enough it shouldn't matter. You got what you deserved for loitering.

If you're drunk and get in a bar fight the police should come shoot everyone involved and send you off to the morgue. You were obviously guilty of being drunk and accidentally/intentionally getting in fight. The gene pool is now better off.

If someone is robbing you and you fight back a cop should shoot both of you and then decided who was being robbed and send a nice halmark card.

Armed robbers are robbing a bank everyone in the bank should be killed because it's impossible to tell who the actual robbers are. Then we can figure out who is guilty. That's what you get for associating with robbers.

A car makes a wrong turn and ends up at a vital government facility. Everyone inside should be shot just in case who knows if they're a terrorist. They should have had GPS, there is no excuse to make a wrong turn in this day and age.

That's the America I want screw the Constitution and the Bill of Rights it's from an old outdated time. We could finally be safe from criminals.
Sorry man, but I have to disagree with all of this. It just sounds morally wrong to me.
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Freshwater Moderator
tiysSorry man, but I have to disagree with all of this. It just sounds morally wrong to me.
he's using it as an example to prove candles logic was flawed.
Posted on Reply
Polaris573hmmm let's recall some other police states and you can tell me how well it has worked for them....

So if I'm a cop and I see you loitering on street corner with your buddies I should pull out my sub machine gun and mow you down. I should then proceed to ascertain if you were up to no good? If you weren't oh well, the population is large enough it shouldn't matter. You got what you deserved for loitering.

If you're drunk and get in a bar fight the police should come shoot everyone involved and send you off to the morgue. You were obviously guilty of being drunk and accidentally/intentionally getting in fight. The gene pool is now better off.

If someone is robbing you and you fight back a cop should shoot both of you and then decided who was being robbed and send a nice halmark card.

Armed robbers are robbing a bank everyone in the bank should be killed because it's impossible to tell who the actual robbers are. Then we can figure out who is guilty. That's what you get for associating with robbers.

A car makes a wrong turn and ends up at a vital government facility. Everyone inside should be shot just in case who knows if they're a terrorist. They should have had GPS, there is no excuse to make a wrong turn in this day and age.

That's the America I want screw the Constitution and the Bill of Rights it's from an old outdated time. We could finally be safe from criminals.
True, extremism in any form, especially in the examples you have given, brings out barbarism,:( but that doesn't mean something shouldn't be done to address the gang problem...maybe change some laws, making it a federal offence to belong to such organizations...or maybe change the way they are labelled or termed. Instead of "street gangs" why not be more specific and term them "domestic terrorists"; which, by the way is exactly what they are.:wtf: Funny how our government seems to be more enterested in how many steriods baseball players are using, rather than trying to find a solution to ever growing violent state of our cities.:twitch: Until the problem with this "cancer" is solved it will only get worse,:eek: something needs to be done before it gets completely unmanagable and somebody at the "top" decides it can only be handled by "extreme" means.:shadedshu :mad:
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Musselshe's using it as an example to prove candles logic was flawed.
Oh, ok.
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Senior Moderator

A form of irony in which apparent praise conceals another, scornful meaning. For example, a sarcastic remark directed at a person who consistently arrives fifteen minutes late for appointments might be, “Oh, you've arrived exactly on time!”
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