Wednesday, February 20th 2008

Accredited Psychologists Warn of 'Technology Addiction'; Compare it to Sex Addiction
New medical research confirms what hardware enthusiasts, gamers, workaholics and teenagers have known for a while: people are literally becoming addicted to technology. Professor Nada Kakabadse of Northampton University got concerned when she noticed people that had a serious problem putting away their phones, PDAs and other links to the digital world. Remarkably, Professor Kakabadse was able to link addiction to technology and addiction to sex. The professer found that nearly a third of everyone carrying a technological device is addicted. This is most likely because we are creatures of habit, and "can get addicted to anything that is remotely interesting." Professor Kakabadse also was quick to point out that technology got a lot more addicting since the introduction of the internet. Witty Inquirer writer Nick Farrell wonders how the professor could possibly avoid citing porn as a reason for this sudden burst inaddiction.
69 Comments on Accredited Psychologists Warn of 'Technology Addiction'; Compare it to Sex Addiction
no really, not addict. i can live without two quad cores. i can. really.
...why dont i have raptors yet :(
Tech Addicts Annoymous
Hi my name is Candle, ive been using a computer since 1996 and im an addict
That said, full time work lets me buy MUCH MORE TOYS!
*goes to upgrade media PC to a Q6600*
as to this, could be worse, at lest its not drugs!!!!
Im addicted to working because I like
I hate people who think they can tell me what to do.
"8 hours on the computer (having fun) a day is no good for you."
But its ok for the rest of the population to go out on a weekend and spend all their money getting absolutely smashed drunk.
I choose the more economical way of having fun (in the long term anyway).
Has anyone noticed that the first alternative people offer to people who spend alot of time on the computer is to go outside in the fresh air and play a sport, like we are some sort of cave dwelling primate with lax fitness?
The reason technology is so addicting is that its so diverse. There is always something new for you to be doing. Its not like we are doing the same thing in out every day (like booting up your console and playing Halo all day). Computers teach you things, computers get you places you cant get in RL, and most importantly they let you run faster with your knife out :D
Sure does beat the crap out of a nicotine addiction