Friday, April 18th 2008
AMD Releases Catalyst Hotfix for AGP Cards
ATI has released a hotfix that addresses the following issues when Catalyst 7.9 or higher version is installed on AGP cards:
- After installing Catalyst 7.9 or higher an error is received launching DirectX based games. The error indicates that Direct3D Failed to Initialize or similar.
- In Vista your Experience score will drop to 1.0.
- The DirectX Diagnostic tests will fail in both XP and Vista.
10 Comments on AMD Releases Catalyst Hotfix for AGP Cards
Special Trick to the Hotfix- DO NOT INSTALL ONTOP OF ANOTHER DRIVER, Install by itself with the Applicable Stand alone CCC.
you must completely remove the old driver first with driver cleaner or the like the install the new driver ;)
thnx for the find malware :rockout:
any news from anyone how these work?
I imagine this is additional fixes to address those who still had issues.
i did a full uninstall of the previous drivers i was using and then installed the hotfix. It seems to freeze up and just do a solid bluescreen when trying to play a few games for me. Not all the time mind you just about half of it. So i will probably go back to the omega ones i was using.