Sunday, May 25th 2008
Technology Analyst: Get Over Vista Hate
A reporter and technology analyst for the Washington Post recently took a rather strong point of view regarding Windows Vista and XP. He accepts that Vista has it's flaws, such as "steep hardware requirements, its strict anti-piracy measures, its sometimes-intrusive security measures, its incompatibility with some older products." However, he points out that the current market behavior, which is something along the lines of "don't upgrade until Vista gets better, and beg to keep XP on shelves" is not doing Vista or Microsoft any good. He points out that XP is not a historic monument in need of preservation, and is more like an old car: it's had a good run, but in view of some XP flaws when compared to Vista strongpoints, it's time to move on. The analyst also pointed out that fundamental supply/demand economics is keeping Vista from rising to greatness. As long as the market holds on to XP, and refuses to move on to Vista, software makers will not see a very good reason to adopt or support Vista, which causes most of the problems Vista has today. You can read more details at the source link.
Daily Tech
157 Comments on Technology Analyst: Get Over Vista Hate
Others do not like the negative impact it has on most game's fps..
But come see and listen to what the guru has to say::laugh:
Bill Gates says Vista sucks
I like Vista, I can always turn of what I dont like, but I dislike companies that do not make decent drivers for it. Like my Aetheros chipset WiFi that works whenever it pleases.:mad:
i agree the only bummer is the sound thing,but i've ran vista for a long time now and i have no problems with it.i even got my new sata hdd caddy to hot swap while windows is running.It connects to my onboard sata connectors while its in the machine and usb when i use it portable.I like vista and nothing anyone else says will change my mind.
i think this thread is funny,sooo much vista hate.If you dont like it,fair enuff but why spend so much time in this thread trying to convince people its crap.some people like it and some dont.
And wile e,dont waste any more of your time in this thread mate,your flogging a dead horse.
and whats the point of vista if the persons using the computer as an internet applyance? stick something that is made to run or fly on that hardware on there insted of crippling the system with vista........only a real fanboi noobert would load a basick old work box down with the latist greatist os from ms........why not stick vista on a 433celeron with 256mb of pc66 ram and a 8gb ata33 hdd whal ur at it?
and i have delt with alot of systems with vista installed, infact i have had alot of people pay me a few bucks to make them a windows disk so the could use the key off their old system to install xp on a new OEM system they bought, i have yet to hear any of them say that vista ran faster or had less problems........
why if vista is THE SHIT, and THE BEST WINDOWS EVER, and SO MUCH FASTER, do local computer shops make bank advertising that they will remove vista for people and install xp to replace it?
i know of at least 8 shops around here that have sold thousands of copys of xp since vista came out to people who wanted vista off their system, in many cases these people payed 300bucks to have the shop for a ligit copy of xp, have vista wiped and xp installed........yeah that tells me that vista must just be the best windows ever and that everybody should use it because, well its better then xp,2k, 2k3,x64pro........i mean its new and shiney, so its gotta be better right?
an ms rep GAVE me vista ultimate, GAVE IT TO ME, hoping i would use it, love it, and get more people to buy it (450bucka a pop OEM at the time) i used it for a month, i spent more time wrestling with it to get it to do what i wanted then i did acctualy doing anything with it......, and yes thats with uac off, i mean common apps like adoby reader and scrobat wouldnt work, photoshop only worked partialy, and this was 32bit vista because i KNEW if i went with 64bit i would have even more problems.....just as x64pro had problems when it came out.
but i guess ur right i should go back to vista because after all, it is better then xp/2k3/x64pro, it must be, its newer.
thats how these "arguments" start, people cant just accept that people have valid reasions for not liking vista, and feel they need to tell them they are wrong and how great vista is.
i counter why he likes vista, he counters me with "thats not a valid argument" it may not be valid to him, but it is to me.......
- the other day I picked up a fairly big project from one of my mothers friends who had a few problems with their 2 computers & wanted them fixed.
no prizes if u can guess what O/S they were
- also on the same day. One of the lodgers/guests staying at my mothers friends place also had a problem with their laptop & Internet.
I managed to get their internet working but their laptop was a totally different story I cant even begin to tell you whats wrong with their laptop because it baffles me completely.
what O/S were they using??? = Vista.
not trying to slag/bash vista. but a great majority of average users arent familiar with vista.
some would say its how vista inhibits the straight forward functionality of the O/S
some would say its utter tripe anyway.
im not taking any sides - im trying to remain neutral...
everyone likes new tech. vista is one & cant bash a company with trying to come out with something new.
& its not because most retailers are forcing consumers to run with vista since vista comes pre installed on 90% of all pcs/laptops - but i have been asked by people to fix their vista related issues & even revert their vista to XP for them
I have done about 10 or more downgrades to XP form vista for friends & family
its not that us more advanced users are quick to critasize when something doesnt work. but if is genuinely FAIL then theres nothing more that can be said about it.
& you would think that the sap who was telling people to let go of XP & move to vista would understand.
People hold on to XP for a reason. its simple, basic, straight forward no BS approach while also hogging less resources. - IT WORKS!!!! (the most important thing)
Vista - ok....where do i start? 'whats "NOT" wrong with vista?' IMHO its just a pretty face.
she may look like an angel but can she cook??
If the analyst blames the consumers for holding back progress - its not our problem. we all have the right to decided weather we want to run with XP or Vista.
its not that we dont have the balls to use Vista but the fact is M$ never had any in the first place
I have tried to keep a totaly unbias approach to my post, I am not mindlessly bashing
- my facts/points are gatherd from events/things that actually happend or are still happening
I will not reply to trolls/flames/flame baits etc
however if you do wish to discuss the topic in a more civil manner please dont hesitate
Well i like it and thats all i can say,if i did have anything bad to say i would,but i dont.Vista has caused no problems for me at all.I will be sticking with it.
Its a case of each to his own i guess.
I dont need to "bash" vista, there are plenty of facts that "bash" vista, including bill gates own words.
The "bloatware" is the mass rabid installation of crap from horrible software vendors, and from many better known software vendors.
Things Vista gets but didn't ship with. All boottime hijackers, all taking extra resources, all crap.
Sun Java
A copy of Office 97 with three startup items.
All the keyboard, mouse, printer, camera, monitor, etc... software that is present on OEM systems, and installed as "it was in the box...." kind of way.
Yes, for a OEM running on a totally integrated motherboard with 512MB of RAM. Or on a computer that someone hijacked their friends copy of Vista for their mom's HPetc.....
I just did a cleanup of a vista system, upgraded it to 2Gb of RAM, a 22" Samsung, and a HD3450 for him to run two monitors on. Now at least he can start it and begin using it in a couple minutes, before it took 15. That was a partial list of the crap that started up, other things like, HP update, HP mouse driver, HP printer driver, AOL setup, etc... were other things put on by HP to annoy the fuck out of users.
Was it Vista? No.
User was totally to blame, for first purchasing a $500 piece of shit computer, then for installing so much crap.
Everyone's need are different along with expectations. I like Vista more than i did when beta's were out so it's getting there. Would i replace it with Vista cannot see that happening at this time.
But even still you know ppl will bitch about vista 2.0 when it does come out in 2-3 yrs. Hopefully by then ppl will have enough vista experience to not compare it to XP as well :D
And to the ppl hatin on Vista because your hardware sucks\lacks drivers, that's not the fault of MS. I got one XP machine for a reason - to use Sony Acid Pro 6 and to use my AIW. Everything else is on my Vista rig.
And to ppl that installed Vista and hated it because it seemed slow - disable indexing and Windows Search. Also, it speeds up after a couple days of use.