Sunday, July 27th 2008

Microsoft's 'new' OS Gets a Website

Last week, Microsoft conducted an experiment in San Francisco, USA where 120 users with a negative opinion on Windows Vista were introduced to a new OS to which a majority of them gave positive feedback, only to discover it was Windows Vista under the covers (covered here). Microsoft now wants to publish its results in a new website presumably with promotional tones over its so-far-flop Windows Vista operating system. Results come out in the form of videos, text and presentations. The website titled "The Mojave Experiment" can be reached here.
Source: CNET
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146 Comments on Microsoft's 'new' OS Gets a Website

jgrahl10 minutes? C'mon like they could honestly say they enjoy it after 10 minutes. 10 minutes is not thorough enough. I highly doubt they were able to use the applications they always use at home. What was the computer user level of those interviewed?

I have used Vista for 4 months before going back to XP. I tried hard to like it. I consider myself advanced with computers and can fix almost any problem I have. My experience is 15+ years.

Problems with Vista including SP1 32 or 64 bit
- not all 32-bit programs are compatible.
- the sound control scheme causes hardware / software conflicts
- it doesn't network well with Microsoft XP Home Edition or Win98 (some people care)
- The games folder does not work with all games
- It still runs 3D applications 10% slower on the same hardware than Windows XP
- not enough programs utilize the increased amount of available ram
- Too few games or applications REQUIRE Vista and / or DX 10
- Most of the new features can be downloaded for free, legally, onto Windows XP

What Vista offers to me that is good
- User account control

That is the only thing that I liked about Vista. However, it's not enough for me to change.
An interesting perspective. I have not had those problems (well most of em). I have been running Vista for over 12 months now, it's networked with XP Home premium (I admit that was a pain to solve), all my games work, and my benches are nice and high (for what I aim to achieve). Oh and the games folder thing? It's just a folder isn't it? I simply put my shortcuts in there and they work fine.

Maybe next time if you ever try again, post up your issues on the forum and we might be able to help solve them. After all, we are all mostly tweaking addicts and now that most of us UNDERSTAND Vista better, many of these issues can now be easily resolved.
Posted on Reply
farlex85If I need to spell it out for you: No not every user can use tweakUI. However, this is not needed as the user can disable the option from the control panel which most users are quite comfertable using.

I tend to just skip over the parts I think are obvious for the sake of avoiding redundancy. I am not intending to ignore anyone, you just continue to run in circles around the same things which I address briefly but not extensively. I don't et out to simply disprove everything a person says, and as such don't feel the need to address every point. You yourself have done the same thing you accuse me of earlier in this thread, quoting me and then not really addressing the individual points I made, instead just using your own argument. I don't think anything of it though, I address the post as a whole, and that should suffice. A debate can't be had with someone who won't actually respond though, and simply attacks the method of debate instead.
Your responses to others in this thread has been in attempt to refute what was being posted. When you are not able to you argue. Which is a trend I see in your posts. Even the post you linked is a prime example of that. You say you've answered my post yet you have done nothing but argue. You say your answered his post but all you've done is argue. You should give it a rest and stop trying to refute any post you don't agree with. Let people have their say and just leave it at that. :D
Posted on Reply
SwansenOn a side note i am done, secondly woah.... Accurate perspective?? from "my" perspective, it is accurate. Your not taking into consideration that different people know different things, as they live/work in different places, ect, ect. I'm sorry i wasn't EXTREMELY to the point again, you guys take being literal to a new level. I could add a couple words to what i wrote to make it a little more to your specifications, but i'm not going to, i said it at 1am, and whatever, it happened. I'm sure bundyrum i could go through and pick out a crap ton of crazy things you said in this thread, but i'm not going to. Lastly, i stand by what i said, and more so my last sentence, (since were sticklers here, its a run-on)
thats cool, sorry I didnt mean to be so harsh but thats my weakness. :toast:
Posted on Reply
farlex85*sigh* The post I linked was in response to that post before you edited it, and one last attempt to actually get you to see what I was saying. I chose not to further edit my response b/c your edits contributed nothing but trying to argue w/ me (strangely what you seem to be accusing me of). The irony here is you have directly ignored what I have said, and called me argumentative while re-iterating your own points. I have continuously spelled out my responses to appease you, have consistenly answered the post I intended to, but you for some reason feel compelled to tell me to stop and tell me I haven't appeased you rather than trying to debate what I said. You're too hard-headed for me, you are simply right and that's all there is to it. And that's fine, don't be a hypocrite though (let me have my say and don't simply argue w/ me), and if you have a problem w/ my posts report it to a mod, that's their job. But now that you've led this discussion so far from the original topic, and this argument has become so convoluted b/c you can't move on from your own perspective, I'm tired of this attack. In your own words, good day. :D
It is very easy for you to follow the very post you written (what's good for the goose...). It's obvious now that you will not debate with the issues at hand and argue with anyone's opinion you cannot refute. Therefore it's best that you stop responding to my post or anyone else's post that you have to resort to name calling. In all, I wish you a good day as well :D
Posted on Reply
Next time use pm's if you have a problem not pertaining to the topic east. It'll save everyone else from having to wade through your ego.
Posted on Reply
farlex85Next time use pm's if you have a problem not pertaining to the topic east. It'll save everyone else from having to wade through your ego.
I've just been reading and laughing, mainly because of the ridiculous things he likes to argue about. I seriously think the only reason he's posting is to screw around with people. The last thread about this topic reached 150 posts, mainly because of his incessant arguing.

East, you're beating a now rotting corpse of a horse. Seriously, you need to know when to call it quits. All I've seen you do is just instigate a ridiculous topic. Want to know what I mean? Here, I'll give it a shot: Hancock was terrible.
Posted on Reply
FatForesterI've just been reading and laughing, mainly because of the ridiculous things he likes to argue about. I seriously think the only reason he's posting is to screw around with people. The last thread about this topic reached 150 posts, mainly because of his incessant arguing.

East, you're beating a now rotting corpse of a horse. Seriously, you need to know when to call it quits. All I've seen you do is just instigate a ridiculous topic. Want to know what I mean? Here, I'll give it a shot: Hancock was terrible.
Yeah I was laughing at first too, then I was just :wtf: is this guy not even reading what I'm saying, or what anyone else is saying, is he just not even going to try to have an intelligent debate, does he really find this that important? :ohwell: Just can't appease some. Vista v.s. Xp has still go the fire in it. :laugh:
Posted on Reply
bundyrum&cokeAn interesting perspective. I have not had those problems (well most of em). I have been running Vista for over 12 months now, it's networked with XP Home premium (I admit that was a pain to solve), all my games work, and my benches are nice and high (for what I aim to achieve). Oh and the games folder thing? It's just a folder isn't it? I simply put my shortcuts in there and they work fine.

Maybe next time if you ever try again, post up your issues on the forum and we might be able to help solve them. After all, we are all mostly tweaking addicts and now that most of us UNDERSTAND Vista better, many of these issues can now be easily resolved.
or - if you're like most of us . . . a WIN OS is simply a can of either scrapple or SPAM, depending on what bandaid (read: service pack) that you're blessed with. Now, we all know that the can itself is a whole lot more useful than the junk that's within - which, BTW, might actually taste good . . . depending on your tastes :wtf: - and it's a lot easier to just open the can, dump out the slop, then use it to store your own stuff . . . pencils, pens, loose change, ammunition rounds, hypodermic needles; it's your choice . . .

which is exactly what a lot of us do with a WIN OS - gut it, keep the shell (hell, we even change the appearance of that cause anything is better then the WIN blue, what-the-hell-kind-of-silver-is-that?!!, and the baby's-first-puke-green colors we were given with XP), and put our own goods into the mix . . .

now, everyone repeat with me . . . we control the OS . . . the OS does not control us . . . the OS is merely a tool to do my bidding . . . I bow to no OS . . .

As to Vista - tried it, used it, have worked with it . . . not all that impressed.

But, my excuses for not having upgraded yet are dwindling. Once a DX10 capable game comes out that I really want to be able to play with DX10 settings, then I'll probably go ahead an upgrade . . .

or, if they re-design the friggin audio architecture of Vista, which I personally have a problem with . . . but I'm not going to get into that here, cause I've done beat that into the ground too many times over the last few months :ohwell:
Posted on Reply
Please discuss this topic in a friendly and mature manner. I have no problem closing news story threads if the topic requires a level of maturity that isn't present on the forum.

Nothing brings out the crazy in e-people like a new Windows operating system.
Posted on Reply
I was trying to be mature, but just lighten the mood a bit . . . many of us here get too serious at times and it turns into bickering and nitpicking

either way - give it a month and I'll probably have Vista installed on my system. The new STALKER will be worth the upgrade hassel . . . I hope.

good bye great audio latencies :cry:
(although, I could use the experience in dealing with Vista and Creative audio issues . . . perhaps even find better work-arounds :p)
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
hatProven wrong?
So there is a choice for doing the long format when installing Vista? Where? I didn't see one.

And there ISN'T an anoying security "feature" that asks you if you wanted whatever program to run every time you do something? Strange cause it sure appeared for me whenever I tried to run something. Yeah sure it can be disabled through a funky program like TweakUI, which is fine for you and me. How many average users know about TweakUI?
Did you read my post at all hat? you do not need the long format option. The Vista disk scans and maps the bad sectors before you even get to tell it what partition to install on.

And if you read your original post about the annoying security feature, you said it's annoying AND pointless because it's not like it would stop anything. Well, you are wrong. Yes, it's annoying, but it damn well does it's job to stop viruses, rootkits, etc. If you have it enabled, there are no rootkits and viruses that can get thru automatically. You would have to OK them first.
Posted on Reply
Performing long format too frequently will spoil your hard disk.
With their new O.S release round the corner doesn't it seem pointless to adapt to vista just for the sake of it. How many people actually use it for games and aero. XP suffices for simple browsing heck even linux suffices for browsing and all the low system requirment stuff.
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
jgrahl10 minutes? C'mon like they could honestly say they enjoy it after 10 minutes. 10 minutes is not thorough enough. I highly doubt they were able to use the applications they always use at home. What was the computer user level of those interviewed?
you're bypassing the intention. They got 120 people who disliked vista (or claimed to) and within 10 minutes of seeing a 'new' OS they claimed they liked it. (90%) The point is not 'vistas great!' the point is that many people have a FALSE negative opinion of vista.
Problems with Vista including SP1 32 or 64 bit
- not all 32-bit programs are compatible.
I have not experienced this.
- the sound control scheme causes hardware / software conflicts
Again not.
- it doesn't network well with Microsoft XP Home Edition or Win98 (some people care)
Have seen this. Typing the IP works, system name doesnt always.
- The games folder does not work with all games
True. I dont like it in general. its called games explorer, btw.
- It still runs 3D applications 10% slower on the same hardware than Windows XP
Untrue. several of mine are faster.
- not enough programs utilize the increased amount of available ram
lol most of my games do. take that up with the program makers.
- Too few games or applications REQUIRE Vista and / or DX 10
is that really a flaw?
- Most of the new features can be downloaded for free, legally, onto Windows XP
you cant freely download UAC, DX10, or the stability and security of vista.
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
I'm not sure if it was this thread or the other mojave, but i'm going to post it here as its the more recent thread.

Someone was bagging out vista fairly irrationally, including comments about flash drives and NTFS not working.

I am here to wonderfully prove you wrong, whoever that was.

I've tested on two intel chipset systems (with intel CPU's) and AMD 64 system (nforce chipset) and a via chipset (P4D). All running vista x64 of one kind or another, and all of them managed at least 10MB/s write and 15MB/s read.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
MusselsI'm not sure if it was this thread or the other mojave, but i'm going to post it here as its the more recent thread.

Someone was bagging out vista fairly irrationally, including comments about flash drives and NTFS not working.

I am here to wonderfully prove you wrong, whoever that was. no problems.jpg

I've tested on two intel chipset systems (with intel CPU's) and AMD 64 system (nforce chipset) and a via chipset (P4D). All running vista x64 of one kind or another, and all of them managed at least 10MB/s write and 15MB/s read.
My Patriot 16GB flash drive does 12-15 in Vista x64 formatted NTFS as well.
Posted on Reply
i hope microsoft release something more flexible os like xp , cuz vista is suck and it is worst product
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
hayder.masteri hope microsoft release something more flexible os like xp , cuz vista is suck and it is worst product
i think its great. its far more reliable than XP, and its certainly 'flexible'

people have only had a year to make programs for vista, while XP has had 7. of course people know their way around XP better than they do vista.
Posted on Reply
DUHH IVE NEVER USED VISTA, I RAET IT ZERO! At least talk to the people who have used it and hate it. They grabbed a ton of the biggest morons they could find for this. What a joke.
Posted on Reply
I really thought I would be to get a kick out of this mojave thing but its really just 55 videos of ppl getting pwned & saying the same thing in the beginning & the end.

In other words its exactly as I expected - a scripted mess. I do have to admit that I did laugh a few times at the awkward moments when they were pwned. I guess I'm turning evil :(
Posted on Reply
"The Mojave Experiment" equates to someone who lost their mojo....If I was to make a pictorial comparison of Vista I would have to relate Vista to the notorious Fat Bastard.

"The Mojave Experiment" should be a great title for the next Austin Power's movie. MS you have done it again by inspiration.
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