Sunday, July 27th 2008

Microsoft's 'new' OS Gets a Website

Last week, Microsoft conducted an experiment in San Francisco, USA where 120 users with a negative opinion on Windows Vista were introduced to a new OS to which a majority of them gave positive feedback, only to discover it was Windows Vista under the covers (covered here). Microsoft now wants to publish its results in a new website presumably with promotional tones over its so-far-flop Windows Vista operating system. Results come out in the form of videos, text and presentations. The website titled "The Mojave Experiment" can be reached here.
Source: CNET
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146 Comments on Microsoft's 'new' OS Gets a Website

cdawallours have archie on them i can take a pic if you want....we have like 3 machines that don't have that on them and thats because it causes a BSOD on the new HP comps with built recovery partitions.
Your skating by my point. Customers can use the PC in store as is to get a feel of what programs are available on that PC before they make a final purchase decision. This has nothing to do with archie. Point being the double standard being praise by some (lying to customers of what OS is used and limiting them on said OS) when you (a worker at BB) cannot do based on company policies, procedures, rules, etc.
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
these people have always had the chance to mess around with vista. the fact that 10 minutes (without preconception) was enough to change their minds, means that they hadnt even been motivated to spend that much time even messing with vista in a store.

what this shows is that FAR TOO MANY people will just say 'eww vista' AND THEY HAVENT EVEN SPENT 10 MINUTES ON A VISTA MACHINE. there is more than enough opportunities to try it out, but the most vocal vista haters dont bother! they spend all their time ranting instead.

why do you think the people who DONT use vista complain about ram usage, whereas the people that DO use it, dont? whats the difference? who to trust?
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandleYour skating by my point. Customers can use the PC in store as is to get a feel of what programs are available on that PC before they make a final purchase decision. This has nothing to do with archie.
Forgive me for sounding like I'm arguing with you (I'm not), but you do indeed have a vaild point.

However..."You're skating by my point" we all know that the test was done to show that when people actually give it even a little time that Vista is not a bad/crap/horrible/bug infested/unstable OS. It's just like XP was when it started only prettier and with more features. I liked it before SP1 but not with SP1 it's wonderful to me.

The only point this experiment is trying to make is that if people would stop reading internet posts as their only way of getting opinions on a program then they'd find out that most of it is untrue.

Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
EastCoasthandleYour skating by my point. Customers can use the PC in store as is to get a feel of what programs are available on that PC before they make a final purchase decision. This has nothing to do with archie. Point being the double standard being praise by some (lying to customers of what OS is used and limiting them on said OS) when you (a worker at BB) cannot do based on company policies, procedures, rules, etc.
true enough and to be honest most people who try it like it so take that you wonderful vista haters
Musselsthese people have always had the chance to mess around with vista. the fact that 10 minutes (without preconception) was enough to change their minds, means that they hadnt even been motivated to spend that much time even messing with vista in a store.

what this shows is that FAR TOO MANY people will just say 'eww vista' AND THEY HAVENT EVEN SPENT 10 MINUTES ON A VISTA MACHINE. there is more than enough opportunities to try it out, but the most vocal vista haters dont bother! they spend all their time ranting instead.

why do you think the people who DONT use vista complain about ram usage, whereas the people that DO use it, dont? whats the difference? who to trust?
on the ram usage i have to say who cares beacuse now it seems to be a game who can show the most damn ram in a machine the gateways, dells and HPs all boast 6GB in highend and 4GB in midrange/lowend machines....

want to know the 1st question most people ask me when they look at a machine how much ram does it have. want to know the second question whats ram
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
cdawallon the ram usage i have to say who cares beacuse now it seems to be a game who can show the most damn ram in a machine the gateways, dells and HPs all boast 6GB in highend and 4GB in midrange/lowend machines....

want to know the 1st question most people ask me when they look at a machine how much ram does it have. want to know the second question whats ram
even today i was asked by a 'pro' IT guy who saw my storage system 'holy crap, 3TB! thats a fast computer!'

most people dont know what these things mean. they read it and simply assume its correct... and vistas early opinions (due to the leaked betas) were all negative... so they simply parrot that stuff.
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
Musselseven today i was asked by a 'pro' IT guy who saw my storage system 'holy crap, 3TB! thats a fast computer!'

most people dont know what these things mean. they read it and simply assume its correct... and vistas early opinions (due to the leaked betas) were all negative... so they simply parrot that stuff.
its true the world is full of morons
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Editor & Senior Moderator
Musselseven today i was asked by a 'pro' IT guy who saw my storage system 'holy crap, 3TB! thats a fast computer!'
Sig-quote worthy.
Posted on Reply
In this bullet point they say:
"Over 120 computer users (mac, linux, XP and win2000)"'

However, in the Cnet article it was written:
Spurred by an e-mail from someone deep in the marketing ranks, Microsoft last week traveled to San Francisco, rounding up Windows XP users who had negative impressions of Vista.
This is why I said then to take an email from the marketing department with a grain of salt. 1st these people were called Pro XP users now they are called computer users. They have more holes in this survey then swiss cheese.
theJesusOh darn, I was hoping they had actually released the details now so people would shut up about it lol. Of course I'm sure on tuesday everybody will stop complaining about the lack of details provided, and start complaining about the ones that were provided.
Make sure you read the above quotes when you watch the video :)
cdawalltrue enough and to be honest most people who try it like it so take that you wonderful vista haters
I do not hate vista (something I've said before). I am only pointing out the hyporacy.
KeiForgive me for sounding like I'm arguing with you (I'm not), but you do indeed have a vaild point.

However..."You're skating by my point" we all know that the test was done to show that when people actually give it even a little time that Vista is not a bad/crap/horrible/bug infested/unstable OS. It's just like XP was when it started only prettier and with more features. I liked it before SP1 but not with SP1 it's wonderful to me.

The only point this experiment is trying to make is that if people would stop reading internet posts as their only way of getting opinions on a program then they'd find out that most of it is untrue.

A demo was used in this survey. As you put it, a little time was invested but it was for the demo, not the PC as is. All this hype about the subject's experience has so far been about a demo they labeled Mojave (something they created) and not Vista (as they would use it at home with their own PC). But lets wait for the videos and see what they reveal.
Posted on Reply
btarunrSig-quote worthy.
I'll see your suggestion...and raise you another one.
cdwallwant to know the 1st question most people ask me when they look at a machine how much ram does it have. want to know the second question whats ram
I think we should all write a book :D

Posted on Reply
Oh darn, I was hoping they had actually released the details now so people would shut up about it lol. Of course I'm sure on tuesday everybody will stop complaining about the lack of details provided, and start complaining about the ones that were provided.
Posted on Reply
I thought and read that the number one complaint of Vista was the DRM infestation.
That their is at least 15 services or more of some sort that reports back to MS about your computer and habits. When you check the agreement to install, MS says that it has a right to give that information to third party qualified companies that work or deal with MS.
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VISTA Features

I was going to stick with XP-PRO on my desktop based on the opinions of many at techpowerup that VISTA sucks. Fortunately, I was able to buy a new ASUS laptop with Vista installed - my Toshiba laptop, at 720 mhz, was dying. After a steep learning curve, I decided to install VISTA on my desktop. I've found that it loads faster and I now know the tricks to solve all my novice issues encountered with my laptop.

I like VISTA because the OS kernal handles large graphic loads better, the UAC protects against rootkits or hacks, and I like the false security of protected mode IE. The UAC can be less of a hassle with TweakUI and some select group policy changes - still you need the UAC hassle in my opinion to stop rootkits from installing under the admistrator banner. As to compatiblity, you can run a program in XP compatibility mode within the file properties section and/or run in with administrator rights without compromizing system security. I fixed startup program conflicts using Task Scheduler where you can delay startups on some programs that don't like to start side by side, like zonealarm and windows sidebar. (I had a similar problem between zonealarm and speedfan in XP which I fixed with a freeware program called Startup Delayer.)

Regarding VISTA problems in general, every single event issue that has cropped up I have found solutions for through google. In my early XP days google did not exist, so finding such solutions only came through my company IT guys. And I had a huge number of problems with XP SP-1, due to compatiblity errors and user snafus.

As a caveat, both of my machines have 4 gigs of RAM, good dual core CPUs, and excellent hardware and cooling. As has been said before, future OS'es need newer hardware. I loved Win 98, thought XP was a step down but moved on with no regrets - as the newer hardware and software for XP was a huge improvement over Win 98. The same will happen with VISTA and hopefully some linux OS versions.
Posted on Reply
Here is what a HP Pavilion DV 2000 looks like

T2400 1.83GHz
Intel 945GM
1024 MB (max 2048 MB)
80 GB HD

Card Reader
SD, MMC, MS, MS Pro, xD

Optical drive
DVD DL writer with LightScribe

Intel GMA 950 using 128MB @ 1280 x 800
Integrated sound
The thing that stands out most was the fact they were not confident enough to let it run "Mojave" with 1 Gig so they upgraded it to 2GB of ram. Also, those with positive testimonies about Vista become moot when their PCs are more powerful then posted in their bullet point.

But as I've said before, lets watch the video and see what it shows besides the praise.
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandleHere is what a HP Pavilion DV 2000 looks like

T2400 1.83GHz
Intel 945GM
1024 MB (max 2048 MB)
80 GB HD

Card Reader
SD, MMC, MS, MS Pro, xD

Optical drive
DVD DL writer with LightScribe

Intel GMA 950 using 128MB @ 1280 x 800
Integrated sound
The thing that stands out most was the fact they were not confident enough to let it run "Mojave" with 1 Gig so they upgraded it to 2GB of ram. Also, those with positive testimonies about Vista become moot when their PCs are more powerful then posted in their bullet point.

But as I've said before, lets watch the video and see what it shows besides the praise.
Which will probably leave us all rolling in the isles just as MS hopes for :toast:
Posted on Reply
MegastyWhich will probably leave us all rolling in the isles just as MS hopes for :toast:
Explain? I thought this was about people down playing vista who suppose to have never used it. Not about laughing at the misfortunate of others because they were fooled while others still believe that these individuals are "Pro XP users" (which turned out not to be true based on the current bullet point in the OP). Are you now implying this is about being vindictive and no longer about vista's image?
Posted on Reply
theJesusOh darn, I was hoping they had actually released the details now so people would shut up about it lol. Of course I'm sure on tuesday everybody will stop complaining about the lack of details provided, and start complaining about the ones that were provided.
Hey, Jesus joined TPU! Cool!:toast: :respect:(Welcome Jesus!)

Regarding Microsoft and their marketing stunt, that was aimed at the very folks who ask "what's ram"....Amazing how worked up everyone can get over their OS....Come on, live and let live. What would Jesus do? :p
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandleExplain? I thought this was about people down playing vista who suppose to have never used it. Not about laughing at the misfortunate of others because they were fooled and some believe they are Pro XP users ( which turned out to be a lie based on the current bullet point). It's suppose to be about Vista image, not about being vindictive.
Its not about misfortune or anything like that, I just find it humorous that folks bash vista w/o trying it. On the other hand, this IS a MS stunt, or rather a setup. It could be handled on 2 fronts.

The 1st is that MS is just getting a bunch of ppl together, calling them what they want to, & saying that they all loved vista. The ppl involved don't hate vista at all & they just want to be noticed, i dunno.

The 2nd is that these ppl are really anti-vista in some way, shape, or form. MS just modded vista to look more like XP or did nothing to it at all (just renamed it)

I won't be laughing at the folk but at MS itself. I don't know how much salt a person would have to have to buy into this marketing BS. They want to enhance vista's image but making it look like they tricked XP users isn't a good way to go about it.
Posted on Reply
MegastyIts not about misfortune or anything like that, I just find it humorous that folks bash vista w/o trying it. On the other hand, this IS a MS stunt, or rather a setup. It could be handled on 2 fronts.

The 1st is that MS is just getting a bunch of ppl together, calling them what they want to, & saying that they all loved vista. The ppl involved don't hate vista at all & they just want to be noticed, i dunno.

The 2nd is that these ppl are really anti-vista in some way, shape, or form. MS just modded vista to look more like XP or did nothing to it at all (just renamed it)

I won't be laughing at the folk but at MS itself. I don't know how much salt a person would have to have to buy into this marketing BS. They want to enhance vista's image but making it look like they tricked XP users isn't a good way to go about it.
I see, thanks for clarifying. But I have to ask, who are the folk that bashed vista without trying it? How are they being identified as such? Can it be said that this term is being used by anyone who at the very least shows indifference about the OS?
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandleI see, thanks for clarifying. But I have to ask, who are the folk that bashed vista without trying it? How are they being identified as such? Can it be said that this term is being used by anyone who at the very least shows indifference about the OS?
My brother is one of them. He keeps on saying vista is a slow POS but he has never touched it, even when I suggested that he could play with a vista rig I'd just put together. He's always into new hardware but he turned me down flat. He told me he didn't want to get infected :wtf:

I'm actually indifferent about vista & XP. XP had its time to shine & I simply moved on. When the next OS rolls out, I will move on to that from vista. I can see how ppl with older rigs don't want to upgrade but ppl with new, fast rigs should want to get the most out of them. I can't imagine any of my quad rigs fumbling around with XP.

When it comes to MS, I don't know how they will protray the surveyors but it will be crystal clear when the video comes out :rolleyes:
Posted on Reply
MegastyMy brother is one of them. He keeps on saying vista is a slow POS but he has never touched it, even when I suggested that he could play with a vista rig I'd just put together. He's always into new hardware but he turned me down flat. He told me he didn't want to get infected :wtf:

When it comes to MS, I don't know how they will protray the surveyors but it will be crystal clear when the video comes out :rolleyes:
I see, so that would make that just your brother and not "people" per say. Ok I understand that.
Posted on Reply
If vista didn't suck MS wouldn't have to pull this little stunt in the first place.
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandleI see, so that would make that just your brother and not "people" per say. Ok I understand that.
I was just using him for an example since he is so close. There are a slew of ppl in my circle that hate vista. I can atest for some of them since I know they tried vista (I made them :D).
All I want is for them to have some grounded hate. There are ppl out there that hate vista just because it is. I can't even preceive the way these ppl think - so maybe I should say they don't exist, its easier to get by that way :p
Posted on Reply
MegastyI was just using him for an example since he is so close. There are a slew of ppl in my circle that hate vista. I can atest for some of them since I know they tried vista (I made them :D).
All I want is for them to have some grounded hate. There are ppl out there that hate vista just because it is. I can't even preceive the way these ppl think - so maybe I should say they don't exist, its easier to get by that way :p
I can agree with some of this as it make sense. However, what I do not understand is some who are labeling everyone who is indifferent to Vista as such (the other side of the coin). If someone doesn't care for vista doesn't mean they dislike vista, for example. What I seem to get from this (and the other thread) is that if people try vista they will automatically like vista as if they were spell bound (per what is being implied about the survey). As with any level of perception, some can/will hate vista 1st, try it and still hate vista. Therefore, really didn't change their opinion.

Someone tells you they are not hungry but you insist they try apple pie, it's so delicious, etc. After peer pressuring them to try it they take a bite and their attitude remains monotone. Sure, you got the person to try it but if it's not what they want it won't change their opinion of it (talking from a perspective of people who mean what they say).
Posted on Reply
There are many levels of indifference when it comes to vista. That's what I find so weird about what MS is doing. All they seem to be doing is listening to all the hate mail they're getting about vista crashes & crap. In turn, they make it worse by focusing on ppl who hate vista & incompassing them in this huge group that really doesn't exist. The avg user has no idea what going on in their pc. Of these avg users, most of them experience vista errors & crashes that comes with having a computer. That's the most common indifference that's out there.

When vista first came out, it was garbage but so was XP. That is another gray area of ppl that merely dislike vista because they are comparing it to how stable XP is. Vista is much more stable after SP1 than XP was after SP1. I'm not completely against my peers that never tried vista & hate it but I can't listen to them complain about something they never used. I made that clear to them. So when they finally ended up trying it & still hating it, I was able to listen to their bashing (to a point) :o

What MS is doing is not entirely wrong if the ppl never actually tried vista like they said, but who are these ppl & what lvl of concern do they have (love, hate, indiff, etc.). MS is trying to make some kind of moot point with vista but all they are really doing is turning themselves laughing stocks with those who are in-the-know, like ourselves.
Posted on Reply
WarEagleAUI personally dont hate Vista. My wifes lappy has it. I like it really but its just a hog on resources for her laptop, where as XP wouldnt be :D
Its a resource hog, as a resource user. The way Vista uses RAM is like a cache, more than a temp storage, For example, it preloads some data for what Vista sees its user use the most. My laptop, though on 1gb of RAM, has noticed my pattern of immediately going to Firefox when I boot up.

So, Vista speeds up my process of booting what I use most. In reality, this is what the increased RAM usage is doing. Benchmarkers are P.O.ed because their 3DMark 06 is 1000 points off.

Boo-Hoo. Vista 64 is great. Sure there are not as many supported programs for 64bit systems, but having a safer, stable environment for my computer is worth having. For god sakes, stop making overclocking a sport. (not directed towards WarEagle)

As for the support of other vendors, they are just as guilty. (Nvidia crashes anyone) The problem is that Apple did such vast marketing campaign to make Vista look bad. Then agian, the average user has no idea how to even update drivers. Which is why Microsoft has had a hard time explaining how decent their OS is, and if you use it for more than 5 min, you might actually see how decent it is.

Personally, I wish Steve Jobs would stop passing hos products as Elitist, and people would overall give something a "personal" trial before bashing. Then I realize, I wake up, grab some cerial, and realize how stupid people around me actually are. Thanks TPU for having some computer sense.
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