Wednesday, July 1st 2009
Reminder: Microsoft Windows 7 Beta Automatic Two-Hour Shutdowns Begin Today
Microsoft reminds you all that as of today systems running the Beta release of its Windows 7 operating system - launched back in January this year - will begin to automatically shut down every two hours. This is a precaution used by Microsoft to remind testers that their beta copy of Windows 7 will expire on August 1st, so they need to switch to an alternative ligitimate operating system as soon as possible. Users may upgrade to the newer Windows 7 Release Candidate, but this will temporarily stop the bi-hour shut downs. Windows 7 RC will also eventually expire. RC users will face bi-hourly shutdowns beginning on March 1st 2010, and will be prompted to install the already officially released by that time version of Windows 7. Following that, the RC will expire on June 1st, 2010.
57 Comments on Reminder: Microsoft Windows 7 Beta Automatic Two-Hour Shutdowns Begin Today
And I just needed it to last til after school is over. Don't like installing new OS's during school years...:shadedshu
I hope W7 isn't a RAM hog like Vista.
Also, your sense of humor is usually aces. Whatzamattar?
it was f*cking netlimiter 3. uninstalled it, no problems since. i now have 24 hours to prepare for a 3 hour drive to a 450 person lan, instead of 72 hours.
BTW, no shut down as of yet! Wh000t! I feel like Kramer and the car salesman taking the test car past the E sign on the gas meter! Who is going to hold my hand through this exciting, life-changing endeavor and gain some insight onto life?
Why didn't I get invited to this 450-way LAN party?
program that lets you limit speed of individual programs. think firewall, but not just allow/block. allow/block/allow at x KB/s
Wrong country.
So, I could make uTorrent only utilize 40kbps upload? That will solve my sharing problems! in that I have to share :D
Can I at least have some pics when you return? I have a close friend who lives in Adelaide.. maybe I would have come.
Lets get back on topic :) (the lan pics will end up on, as i feel it belongs there, more than here)
Btw, before going completely on topic again, have you noticed that I am dangerously close to reaching 1000 posts?! I bet you're jealous. You must be, how could you not? :D
There are may things with the word ''Beta'' in it.
EDIT: Actually its the other way around i believe, it goes through Alpha first then goes on to Beta.(which would make sense as we have game Betas all the time)
There stages in the development process basically.
(sorry on bad English)
Step 1
Go to pas't! Change system time! Set 1998 as default Year!
Step 2
Now! Sit back and relax and wait 11 Years until Windows 7 beta shutdown again ! Then
repeat step 1
You Welcome