Wednesday, July 1st 2009
Reminder: Microsoft Windows 7 Beta Automatic Two-Hour Shutdowns Begin Today
Microsoft reminds you all that as of today systems running the Beta release of its Windows 7 operating system - launched back in January this year - will begin to automatically shut down every two hours. This is a precaution used by Microsoft to remind testers that their beta copy of Windows 7 will expire on August 1st, so they need to switch to an alternative ligitimate operating system as soon as possible. Users may upgrade to the newer Windows 7 Release Candidate, but this will temporarily stop the bi-hour shut downs. Windows 7 RC will also eventually expire. RC users will face bi-hourly shutdowns beginning on March 1st 2010, and will be prompted to install the already officially released by that time version of Windows 7. Following that, the RC will expire on June 1st, 2010.
57 Comments on Reminder: Microsoft Windows 7 Beta Automatic Two-Hour Shutdowns Begin Today
Thanks for the news however, i'm sure some people have no idea why their PC is turning off.
I don't want to un-install it. Anyone know a crack to this? I'm waiting until the 4th of July to re-install Vista SP2.
What do they gain from destroying the beta? People should be able to choose between beta and RC.
you might be able to just upgrade it over the old, or just make a partition and install the new version on that then copy your files over then delete it and remove the old partition
And no, because it doesn't support Bluetooth. I don't know if it does for you, but it doesn't for me and I need Skype to work and that doesn't work without my Bluetooth headset since my PG48 is too large.
ARGH! See what you've done Microsoft?! Stupid reason-less rules! They have no reason to stop the beta.
Fine. Fine! It'll shut off every two hours, and I'll turn it back on!
Heck, that's basically what's been happening anyway thanks to crappy nVidia drivers ever since I built the damn thing :shadedshu
Bluetooth works fine in 7100 and 7127 in my testing. me and my housemate have used at least 5 bluetooth devices between us, without issue. (except one dodgy logitech headset, but it was always screwy)
It's not intended for computers that need to actually be operating properly.
Sounds like you shouldn't be "testing" things, if you "need" them to work. :roll:
I am using build 7057 and still no shutdowns for 6 hours, and a friend with the same build for 4 hours and no shutdowns too.
maybe microsoft just wanted people to shove off pre-RC builds?
anyway, until this computer here starts shutting down I won't believe Microsoft was telling the truth
We'll stare directly at Microsoft and hold each other hand with might.
and I was about to be really upset. But no, it is just for builds under 7100. Woo! I'm safe.
i loaded win 7 on my moms laptop and i was afraid it would keep shutting it down lol
What will we do against Microsoft and their children-hating ways?!