The AMD GX-220IJ is a mobile processor with 2 cores, launched in June 2018. It is part of the G-Series lineup, using the Excavator architecture with Socket FP4. GX-220IJ has 1 MB of L2 cache and operates at 2000 MHz by default, but can boost up to 2.2 GHz, depending on the workload. AMD is building the GX-220IJ on a 28 nm production process, the transistor count is unknown. The silicon die of the chip is not fabricated at AMD, but at the foundry of GlobalFoundries. The multiplier is locked on GX-220IJ, which limits its overclocking capabilities. With a TDP of 10 W, the GX-220IJ consumes very little energy. AMD's processor supports DDR3 memory with a dual-channel interface. The highest officially supported memory speed is 2133 MT/s, but with overclocking (and the right memory modules) you can go even higher. For communication with other components in the computer, GX-220IJ uses a PCI-Express Gen 3 connection. This processor features the Radeon R2E 2CU integrated graphics solution. Hardware virtualization is available on the GX-220IJ, which greatly improves virtual machine performance. Programs using Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) will run on this processor, boosting performance for calculation-heavy applications. Besides AVX, AMD is including the newer AVX2 standard, too, but not AVX-512.