GravityMark GPU Benchmark
GravityMark GPU Benchmark v1.72
September 29th, 2022
What's New
181.6 MBLinuxGravityMark_1.72.runMD5:C4697768C57DCA3BA405A7C6E36623F2SHA1:48226A135508427856B88E95FCD5EF497A354FC4SHA256:A8235CE164EC808BDF44C89A4B8385B918D1142D992535D26DC791D2246F581A
188.8 MBmacOSGravityMark_1.72.dmgMD5:133BAAA9E0917D8787BF50A4792F6638SHA1:A7ADE6ED04BAA14136D3F90507B90E5B662DA231SHA256:FAB3FE012908BBE6DFC8112BC1498050858836055900CA6D0BB6E4A4267B7331
Tellusim Technologies
15,460 times
(3.0 TB)
GravityMark GPU Benchmark demonstrates the capabilities of modern GPUs by rendering an enormous quantity of objects in real-time, utilizing GPU acceleration.
Easily stress test any GPU by increasing the number of rendered objects. Even relatively older GPUs like NVIDIA's GTX 1060 and mobile GPUs show excellent performance, which would be impossible to achieve by using CPU-based draw call submission.
The benchmarks avoids typical CPU-based performance bottlenecks by delegating the entirety of scene management and rendering steps exclusively to the GPU.