STALKER Clear Sky Benchmark
STALKER Clear Sky Benchmark
469.3 MB
This benchmark is based on one of the ingame locations – Marshland. The testing process includes four stages, those utilizing various weather and time of the day settings (day, night, rain, bright sun). In order to test your system thoroughly the benchmark is provided with a number of presets and options including different versions of DirectX (9.0, 10.0, 10.1), screen resolutions, antialiasing etc, all at your disposal.
Having your PC tested with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky benchmark you will be able to get detailed information about its performance on various graphical modes and find out how well your system is balanced for gaming and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky in particular.
Overclockers and competition-lovers, pay attention to the special Test and Rate feature we included into this benchmark. The Test and Rate mode enables you to compare your performance results with those of other players. Be assured, when sending us your test results, we collect only the data explicitly visible in the query; GSC Game World has no commercial or harmful purpose with this test. (See the benchmark Readme file for further details on the information collected from your PC)
Names and test results will be placed in the official rating boards that will launch publicly once we receive the first 500 test results. Independently of the results, every participant will receive a present of personalized web banner with the rating place and overall achievement marked on it.