Now for something a bit different: I'm a fan of Hydrogen Peroxide. Unfortunately, there's a lot of quackery with regards to the good ol' H2O2 chemical (including idiots who are now drinking H2O2 for health reasons... erm... its still a poison ya know?).
It seems like the EPA is suggesting vaporized H2O2 treatments to extend the life of N95 masks. H2O2 is a poisonous chemical with a very interesting attribute: its so reactive that it naturally breaks down into the formula: 2H2O2 -> 2H2O + O2. So while its in H2O2 form, it kills bacteria, viruses, and fungus, but then an hour later it turns into H2O and O2 (just water and oxygen).
With that being said, H2O2 vapor is dangerous stuff. It means that the H2O2 poison is now airborne and can get into your lungs. This technique is probably unavailable to the general public, but is proof that bacterial and viruses can be killed by this chemical.
I guess if anyone wants something that really kills COVID19 (and lots of other stuff too), H2O2 is a pretty good cleaning solution. Its a bit less reactive than Chlorine Bleach (which will rust iron and other materials)... but H2O2 still whitens and dissolves a lot of dyes, so you still need to be careful around furniture and stuff. Always test to make sure H2O2 won't change the color before you use it on something.
H2O2 cleaners are Oxyclean (a powder that turns into H2O2 when dissolved in Water), Lysol "Power and Free" (Lysol is typically Benzalkonium chloride or alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride. But "Power and Free" is the Hydrogen Peroxide based cleaner), and of course... your good ol brown container of pure Hydrogen Peroxide available for $1 at most drug stores. Lysol "Power and Free" is roughly 0.8% H2O2, so your 3% drug store H2O2 can be dilluted in a 3.5-to-1 ratio and still be an effective disinfectant or cleaner.
So yes, H2O2 has been proven to kill COVID19 and is less reactive than many other cleaning solutions. If anyone else is cleaning stuff on a regular basis, I do recommend you try it out. Be it in powder form (aka: Oxyclean) or in liquid form.
I've always been cleaning with 3% H2O2 or various H2O2 cleaners in various forms. But its good to see strong evidence that this chemical works on COVID19.
On the other hand: pouring H2O2 into wounds and other "health" reasons is pure quackery. I highly suggest people don't do that. Its an effective poison and cleaner, but you really don't want that stuff going into your body.