Use google translate if needed.
This article mention some way was not in this thread. the cable mod. Writer suggest put 100μF up to 3000μF in cables see if it work.
Do not exceed 3k.
My thought it kind of make sense the same mod as BZ did, just change a location it's not on the GPU PCB but it's part of the system that effect GPU. The best of this way is keep the GPU low Mod, make it as OEM as possible and also increase the Capacitance in the system. This still consider as input filter for VRM.
f = 1 / (2π × √(L × C)).
My plan is to try parallel 2x 330μF in 1,4 and 3,6.
(Edit 14 36 in 6 pin connector, maybe in 6 pin cable only do 1 and 6 is working too...)
If it's a 8 pin 15 pair and 37 pair.
ESR in parallel is 1/ESR_parallel = 1/ESR_A + 1/ESR_B.
Parallel is making the ESR as low as 4-6 mOm, as BZ mentions low ESR helps filter high frequency and big capacitance help with low frequency. Why pick 330μF ? Cuz morden Corsair has exactly same size in their cables. Of course they not have in both 1,4 and 3,6 pair they are in one of these pair. Also they not parallel them.
I am browsing Digikey now see if I can get this work and report you guys later. it will be long time until next DIY.
I tried ferrite bead too, that bead vibrate at CS GO 240 FPS even louder than the whole system. The bead sing and dancing and roaring around the PCIe cables. This happens only at high FPS situation, so it must have something to do with 100Hz to 300Hz range.
Now I try use glue to make bead stable first then re-apply to cable see if helps.
Future me here Edit, same or non-human sensible difference.
I also tried glue, it work in some degree, GPU is make less noise now and noise is focused on PSU now.
First of all sry for my bad english, but its not my first language, and secondly I am new to the Corsair Forum, because I would rly need some help and your opinions. Over the last three months I built a new personal system, with the help of a friend who has done dozens of systems and knows what h...
Like this situation. JG said to that thread maybe your PC is possessed or something
Added some Edit from future me.