Dude... why are you using it? Download
Fan Control. On Linux I am even black listing ASUS EC as they are known causing stutters and latency, windows included. You are good with the sensors coming from the LPC. Fun fact. When putting water block on my PCH it now acts basically as water temperature sensor, it is an overkill, but hey... now I have better polling of loop water temps.
Does ASUS crap have ability to do mixed profiles? Like PUMP RPM from two temp sources, like CPU and GPU and they both dictate RPM? Same applies to FANs... but I do only PUMP RPM and allow to heat the water to around 35C and then ramp up fans based on the loop temps, it is 30C in the room currently, hot as hell... but my PC is still perfectly silent.
I've attached some screenies from my penguin world. But Fan Control delivers very similar experience.