I'm not sure how or what else AMD should do. The 7800xt is the same price as the 4060ti 16gb. The 7800xt slaps it down, but's getting outsold 30 to 1. Should AMD sale it for a loss? The 7700xt is the same price as the 4060, and it molests the 4060 up and down. Should AMD sale that at a loss too, even though Nvidia is outselling that also 30 to 1?
"There are no bad products, only bad prices" is as true as it has ever been in a capitalist society.
"Market share is key" - Lisa Su, according to Google
The first port of call when you have a product that is not selling
for whatever reason is to discount it. And if that doesn't work,
discount it harder. You aren't making money if people don't buy your product, and the longer that unsold product sits there the more it costs you via depreciation - which is especially true in the tech world, where components depreciate at staggering speed.
I appreciate that telling AMD to eat s**t on perfectly good products is unpalatable to all involved. I'm not suggesting this direction because I want them to fail, but because
I literally don't see any other option for them to regain the marketshare they're continuing to bleed. I as much as anyone else would love to see the 9000-series be a resounding success, and the absolute best way to guarantee that is take a financial hit to pull that marketshare up out of the danger zone. Once they get the traction they need, once consumers have remembered that there is a non-NVIDIA GPU option,
then AMD can push prices back up to a level where they're making profit again.