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  • Got called last, at work, around 10 pm, and was told 2 people called off today. So, I get to replace 2 people today and work a double. All on less than 5 hours sleep. Yea. See you on the other side, Gotta go!
    Hang in there! document such actions for your yearly performance review, align it with your place values / ethics / business needs and ask for proper compensation, this can work for your own sake nicely if it's well planned!
    Well, it was Monday and it was cold and windy. The High temperature today was, 19 F. Not superbad, if we're talking January, but, it is still November and it is a bit Harsh for November.
    Anyway, I am off to bed. I hope everyone here on TPU is doing well. Good Night!
    Well, today was a bit of cluster. 1st thing, just moments after clocking in, some guy assaulted an innocent guy just waiting on his friend in Starbucks. Dude became unhinged because he thought innocent guy was staring at him. Which was not the case until the sh*tbird made himself noticeable by his actions.
    • Wow
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    she just followed him. Despite being knocked clean off her feet. I am not even gonna go there, it is NONE of my bizness! My partner and I spent a minute conversing with the staff and guests then High tailed it back to the office to clock out. I then changed clothes and had to quickstep to the bus.
    Finally got home, it started snowing, just enough, and the roads were slippery and a mess. Bus driver had to do a complete turn around, a half mile past the turn he slid past. AND since there has been a ton of construction and a ton of detours downtown, I now get dropped off ANOTHER block farther away, Yea!!
    So, I got home, sat down for a bit, decided to shave, I was sporting about a weeks worth of raggedy facial hair. Then decided to Rant it all out here. I think, I am ready for bed. I might snack on a couple cookies, first, then bed. Good Night TPU!!
    Well, my work week is done. but, still have to get up and go meet w/ (what's left of it) my Family in the morning. Wwe are having Thanksgiving a day early to fit all of our schedules, except for my brother's . Al has to work and Stephan is living in California. My Sister and my Nephew, his girlfriend and maybe one more nephew.
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    That's it. There will be five of us in my nephews' party room. Fortunately, for me, he lives 2 blocks from me. If I wake up when I plan to, I should be the first one there. Hopefully, the coffee shop, in his building, will be open tomorrow morning. If not, it's gonna suck, for me!:sleep:
    Deagh oidhche dhuibh TPU!
    Boy, today I was having a tough time getting out of bed! I got home last night exhausted, but couldn't sleep. I was wide awake at 3 am. I think I may have nodded off, about an half hour later. I woke up at 10:30 am, and immediately re-set my alarm.
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    However, I didn't get Up and start dressing until 1:10pm. Missed the 1:30 bus and now I am waiting for the 2pm. Can not miss that one!:ohwell: Hopefully, it is not a day of lunny birds, I think I would prefer a nice calm evening, tonight. I can always hope, can't I? :roll: :lovetpu:
    Got home, went to the bathroom and just now took off my boots. It's been a long day and I am gonna relax a bit, playing Raid, then hit the sack. So, Good Night TPU!
    Well, it is time for bed. I hope everyone is having a Great Weekend, so far. I will be working, as usual. It's not so bad, keeps me outta trouble. Anyway, Good Night TPU!:sleep::lovetpu:
    I got called last night at 11 PM, our Control Operator called off and I had to go to work today 7am-3 pm. I had to get up and catch a bus at 5:45 AM this morning. I got home @4:30 and took a nap, until a few minutes ago. Now, it's time to fix some grub and play Raid for a few hours.
    Well, did not get to the bike shop, since I was so comfortable reading at the coffee shop, it got late. So, I went to a new bar, built in the old bar, that closed during Covid. Had 2 beers, and read some more, in the corner on a couch w/ a nice light. I would have stayed longer but,
    Bingo started and the 3 women running it were talking raunchy, between call outs. It was bad enough to be distractly annoying. So, I visited the bathroom, cut my finger on the faulty door latch and then paid up and headed home. For a band-aid and some water and a few hours of YouTube.
    Now, time for bed. Good Night TPU! See you, in the Morn. :lovetpu:
    OK, I am gonna go to a Coffee Shop, in Lowertown, for a late Breccie and a bit of a read. Then maybe across the road to Union Station, where my local non-profit Bicycle shop is, and have another Coffee and shoot the wind with the caretaker. After that? IDK. We'll see where the rest of the day goes. (P.S. I might stay in and do some laundry, tonight.)
    OK, so, just finished 5 days of work. 56 Hours. equivalent to 7 Eight Hour Shifts. Did I mention 5 days?
    So, yea, my feet hurt and I am exhausted. Worse part of the day, today? Having to stand on the Metro Bus, because of crowding, for over 20 minutes on the Highway, in traffic (speed up, slow down, curve right, curve left, and etc.)
    • Sad
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    @Eskimonster I don't mean to complain so much but, most of my shifts are last minute additions to my regular 4 day week. So, it makes it hard to plan anything (or, the worst part, sleep at regular intervals). Although I have been planting the seeds for an April Holiday.
    I want to take 2 weeks and just Ride my Motorcycle until I feel like stopping for the night, get up, do it again, rinse repeat for 1 week, then start heading back home for a week. I would wait until May but, I would lose the paid time off. So, I am thinking I will be heading Southward, towards warmer climes.
    Anyway, just wanted to vent and post something. I am gonna find something to eat and watch a YouTube vid, or two, then bed( I have one more load of laundry for the dryer, also).
    So, this will be Good Night TPU! :lovetpu:
    Well one 12 hour day down. One more, then 2 8's, then done for 3 days. Probably the last time I will have 3 days off for a while ( One of our Sgt.'s is leaving, for another job, after this week). I'll be back to 48 hour weeks for a spell. Oh well, it should help me pay of the bike sooner, if nothing else! :lovetpu:
    Well I thought I was missing a package, checked the vender site, checked the tracking...Then looked at the item that was supposed to be delivered to my PO Box on the 12th. Turns out, I did pick it up, last Thu. somehow, the two didn't click. Until I was totally dressed and ready to go.
    Watch yourself bro, continuous lack of sleep and disturbing bio rhythm is going to make itself known. Looks like you're already seeing the signs. Take a step back before its too late. Repairs take a LOT longer than prevention. Of course we all have varying resilience, but nobody's invincible...
    about 4 month ago i ordered one of those X99/cpu/ram combos from china to play about with, so the misses was in the shed tidying up and she came in with a box and said whats this ' it had been there 10 weeks id totally forgot about. so been having fun with it over the last week and its not bad about zen 1700 good allright for a test bench for £50.
    I'm home from Key's cafe and Hunans bar. saw my buddy Comcast John, and Joe and Carrie and Steve. Hunan's is about to be sold, all the decorations and stuff are gone. Joe, the owner for 50 years is ailing with his health and has no offspring that wants the bar.
    I am no longer the drinker I once was. But, I still like to go out once in a blue moon, and I don't want to spend a bunch o' money doing it! It's getting harder and harder to do so. In Mpls, where I work, even the divebars, left, are 6 to 7 dollars a bottle of beer. It's just barely less than Stadium pricing!
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    I have turned down, numerous time, going for a drink with co-workers, since it will be more than a $40 night for 3 beers! The Hotel, in the bldg. I work at, is $7 for a shot of Whiskey! I either need a raise or, succomb to drinking at home, alone, from now on. :wtf:
    OK, it's good to be back home! I left for work Monday at 1:30 pm. Got home tonight, @ midnight after working 24 hours and a nap at the hotel. My legs and knee are sore, feet are tingling. But, I am having a Whiskey and a couple beers (last 2) while playing RAID. Then when the beer is gone, I am going to bed.
    Well made it through another 12 hour day, only a couple of people had to be put out, fortunately they were cooperative. I really didn't want to get physical with anyone today, had a horrible night of sleep and was barely awake all day. I am gonna have a whiskey and maybe a beer, or two.
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    Then it is off to bed, I have a couple chores to do, before leaving for work. I am debating, whether to stay at the Hotel Monday night or cruise home for a few hours. I work until 11pm Mon and have to start Tue at 7 am. I lose about 2 hours taking the Metro home and back.
    I will check the bank account in the morning, see if I can absorb the $57 hotel stay. I think it should be ok but, I made a large payment on my Bike loan and I am unsure where I am standing, right now. Oh, and Tuesday is my double, I hate being tired for 16 hours! ANYhow, Good Night TPU! :lovetpu:
    Well, just packed a few things, so I am going to stay at the Hotel. So, see you all sometime Tuesday evening, or Wed if I'm too tired.
    Well, woke up late for work today, set my alarm wrong.:shadedshu: Also, looks like I have a 16 hour day Tuesday. It also looks like I may still get my days off, just the extra shift on Tuesday. So, yea, kinda good, no?
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