Ok I managed to take BIOS screenshots thanks to Zack advice
Thank you for checking this
A part from trying settings again and taking screenshots, I watched this video again.
He says that b-die ram kits are for overclock and unless you do not want to overclock hard you can avoid paying big money for them.
It also seems to me that dual rank configuration are superior than single rank configuration
View attachment 172365
and this articole from tomshardware seems to recomend dual rank memory too:
Is Ryzen 3000 optimized for DDR4-3200? What if we want more? We examine everything from frequency to rank count to nail down optimal settings.
In first place I bought my 3200 c16 kit because of this article since my kit is dual rank and 1T
so mayve there are less expensive options to consider?
Hi, i think you should reset all of your setting. Let's all setting auto except your CPU OC setting.
Maybe i can help you to tightening your memory timing. Since your B-die is dual rank and not a good B-die with RC B0.
First, disable docp and change your frequency to 3200 and then FCLK to 1600
Next, let your soc voltage auto, but set your SOC Load line calibration to extreme
Third, DRAM voltage = 1,45V (safety for daily B-die)
Then, set primary timing to 14-16-16-36, sub timing auto
Remember, set all to auto first
If you can boot, you can increase your frequency.
If thats setting is stable, next you can set your sub timing.
I think your problem is your B-die B0 (dual rank old bin) very complicated to OC, it can run xmp but they don't have to much OC capability.
When you wanna OC your memory and they can't boot. First, set your primary timing, frequency, dram voltage. Just set your primary timing and frequency first and dram voltage, let the other setting remain auto.