Welcome to the
world of stagnation.

The 7800 XT could basically only be recommended to folks who want to get
"STARFIELD Premium Edition" at day 1. Then it's a kinda good deal.
Other than that I really appreciate the new
Cooler Performance review page. Pure gold.
10% is pretty good, even historically speaking, there never was "way more" than that.
Undervolting or overclocking is basically the same thing with AMD cards, in case you didn't know.
Could be a "Golden Sample".
ComputerBase could only achieve a
OC of 5% on the 7800 XT.

And for the 5% more performance the card draws
15% more power. +38W, topping out at 290W.
Performance/Watt with 144FPS Limit also sucks, esp. at 1080p.
29% less efficient compared to the 4070 FE is kinda crazy!
Also I don't think that
undervolting & overclocking is the same thing. You can reduce voltage + reduce power limit ("underclocking" to reduce power draw) or you can do
what Wizz did to get the most frames out of the card, at all costs. There is also something balanced in between if you choose to. Non the less, power reduction options are very limited compared to the previous 6000 Series.
If electricity cost is a concern you shouldnt be buying $500 GPUs in the first place.

Kinda crazy there are still folks out there who don't understand the difference of
fix costs and
running costs.
If you live in a country with very high electricity costs and you play a lot it makes
financial sense at the end of the day. Reduced heat (or global warming, cough) in the room might also be an argument for some.