I prefer Always More Disappointments myself
Why are we so hung up on accepting forward technologies? We are supposed to be geeks, seeking excellence, adopting and embracing new technologies are they come.
I like me a new bit of tech, but have been paying attention to the vendor lock in of proprietary tech since forever and especially since consoles showed their true nature as walled gardens for gaming. It just feels bad, a bit like selling your soul to company A or B. And that's the last thing I want. They can have my money, but the sale is the sale, and after that, they can fck right off. I don't want companies nagging me to keep buying, or 'nudging' me to the latest greatest all the time. Because then, my purchase has a negative psychological effect added to it. Why would I spend hard-earned money to get something bad as long as I keep using said purchase? I want companies to make me feel good about my purchase. Not bad because I'm not spending more on them. Similar things occur when I see creators ask for donations everywhere. Its fine in moderation though.
For similar reasons I don't do much if any online service-model oriented gaming anymore. Its all a major clusterfuck that will show itself sooner or later. It never works out well, and has lots of similarities to drug addicts looking for dealers. If I want that, I'll just do drugs, much more fun.
Still I understand not everyone is like this / has not experienced the negative effects of these lock ins yet or what it does to their own behaviour. And I might turn to green again too, lacking good alternatives. It is what it is, but as long as we still have the opportunity to resist those lock ins, I will resist them. In the end, it IS a lock in and it does lead to monopolists that kill the value proposition for us, and eventually, worse products at higher prices. This is already happening bigtime, we're knee deep into this, and it relates directly to DLSS.
Ask yourself this. Are you happier now with Freesync, or would you have preferred paying Nvidia for that 100 dollar Gsync module that doesn't net you much if any additional advantages? I do know I"m a lot happier with Freesync just being present on virtually every monitor with more than 60hz, without paying premium. Both are forward thinking technologies. The tech isn't the issue. Its the way it is sold.
An interesting one is AI right now. The overwhelming majority is cloud powered and undergoing constant change = you have no control whatsoever. That's possibly the worst place for AI to ever be a trustworthy 'companion' to the consumer market. Lots of people barely realize this, but its huge. Now factor in how Nvidia is positioning itself as a software company. How they keep pushing NOW. Etc.
The push is clear: you will own nothing and be happy. I have nothing other than a hard pass and middle finger for that reality, its a transfer of influence and power that will only happen over my dead body, I shit you not.