Some games should be removed from the test bench. that card is not that good. the average fps is just pulled up by some titles which are not that demanding and should not belong in a graphic card test counterstrike and the witcher. a game which generates over 270 fps should not be in a graphic card test at all - especially when testing a low level entry card. The price, the card name, the vram, the vram bus size may indicate this is an entry level card. Of course a customer can worse graphic cards. There is always something much worse to purchase.
Looking at those charts that card looks more like a 90 fps card in 1080p. Very sad card. You can not be serious to take high numbers from old outdated games as a base. Remove Coutnerstrike and add avatar pandora -> that game at least reduce the ridiculous - not real fps value of ¨~~430 fps.
Seeing such low numbers in Starfield, the Last of us, Star wars indicate this card is just entry level gaming card.
I also get the impression some driver optimisations for NVIDIA only games heavily give better results as the card can really deliver. Why are some games such worse? Just some driver optimisations and lack of performance.