The design was looking pretty nice with what seemed like dual flow through until I saw this
That fake heatsink on top of the backplate just for looks
At least it has the blower part of 3090, but it just leaves a bad taste seing design decisions that serve form over function.

That fake heatsink on top of the backplate just for looks

At least it has the blower part of 3090, but it just leaves a bad taste seing design decisions that serve form over function.
I'll never understand why with 12gb of vram. This was already a limitation on previous generations, but nvidia continues to push outdated specs because consumers are willing to eat it up.People are willing to pay for it.
Keeping the design clean, even on a part that no one can see... it's very dumb! They could have used the savings on, i don't know, more vram that would be actually useful!So what's the point in the separate PCB with a PCIe slot? Unlike in 5080 and 5090 the main PCB goes all the way to the display outputs. Useless complications...
You do know it's basically the same products right!? They're not like Xilinx or Altera or whoever else doing neural accelerators with fpga's or whatever, they're just repurposing their gpu stuff for machine learning operations because turns out parallel processing of pixels is similar enough to parallel processing inference models.Nvidia should just sell off there Graphics side of their company. I mean totally sell it off. IF nvidia wants to focus on A.I. then do so. Sell off the graphics side of the company so maybe we can get some good video cards again.
15% to 20% of their revenue is far from minisculeNvidia’s gaming division share of its total revenue is minuscule