Basicly what I did was installed an additional of 6 8cm case fans and created some sort of vents. I was only 16 when I did this mod :) The cpu was water cooled and hence the temperature of the mobo and all the components remained next to room temperature giving me the opportunity to overclock my old P4 3 ghz to 3.7ghz (if I remember correctly :P)
i voted 4, reason:
i don't like the color :P (why yellow tubes on pink case? and then with green and blue lights?)... but it's an nice idea with the water pipes coming out of the case :D...
it looks abit messy inside, looks like there is alot of tubes and stuff...
2 Comments on Shelby
i don't like the color :P (why yellow tubes on pink case? and then with green and blue lights?)... but it's an nice idea with the water pipes coming out of the case :D...
it looks abit messy inside, looks like there is alot of tubes and stuff...