Ultimate 486

February 11th 2009
9,725 times
Outstanding (6.7)
Voting Graph 28 votes total
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Key Features:
Intel CPU Custom Paint Job Water-cooled
System Specs:
  • intel 486, 8mb ram, 1,6 gb HD, turbo function for OC'ing. Lock for security purposes. Hyper spd Floppy and stiffy drive. 16x performance cd drive.
  • Creative sound card.
Performed Mods:
Installed water cooling with instant burst ice-chill cooling feature for the extreme gaming enthusiast. Lighting with manuel on/off switch. Installed massive 400mmm Thermaltake super-blade exterior case fan. Complete with that custom rust paint job. And it's shock resistant! Our cable management is up to standard.
What more could a gamer ask for!!! Please give us your comments cause we is very proud of this mod! You is welcome to rate us also.
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37 Comments on Ultimate 486

PC bowling. lol

Installed water cooling with instant burst ice-chill cooling feature. ROFL

I almost wet myself. Hahahaha
Posted on Reply
edit: It laughs at crysis
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technicksPC bowling. lol

Installed water cooling with instant burst ice-chill cooling feature. ROFL

I almost wet myself. Hahahaha
It was ready for some extreme pac-man gaming right after the pc bowling. ROFL
I voted 10/10 because:

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I voted 1/10 because:

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I voted 10/10 because:

because that is one awesome watercooling system and custom rust fade on it lol
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Dude those system specs are out of this world! You must have like crysis at over nine thousand FPS!!!

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I voted 10/10 because:

I love the 8mb of ram and the turbo function for OC'ing.

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I voted 1/10 because:

Thanks for the laugh!
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I voted 1/10 because:

Becasue it is super funny ......
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I voted 10/10 because:

that is the funniest thing I've seen on TPU, lol a 10 for you
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I voted 10/10 because:

funnyiest thing ive seen in a while
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The pic with the pc in mid air is really funny,, Nice joke
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steelkaneThe pic with the pc in mid air is really funny,, Nice joke
Thanks guys, it are a really fast pc...when you trow it down the road it flies fast!
I voted 10/10 because:

Installed water cooling with instant burst ice-chill cooling feature for the extreme gaming enthusiast :D you are a legend ...
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janusThanks guys, it are a really fast pc...when you trow it down the road it flies fast!
now I am wet WOW ROFL
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voted 10/10 'cause:


I was view some bad jokes here, but yours defenitely make me laugh (I love the flying PC) :D

BTW, that 400mm ultra TT fan It's not a bad idea at all, seems It can be used on bad airflow cases.

Keep that good mods!!!
Posted on Reply
LOL hope you didn't hit one of those cars when you decided to send your pc in the air. :laugh:
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I voted 1/10 because:

Voted 1 of 10 because...

Your watercooling it's dripping serious amounts of water.
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mon74I voted 1/10 because:

Voted 1 of 10 because...

Your watercooling it's dripping serious amounts of water.
Yes, that are the reason why we installed a drip tray later on. :-)
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F@H&WCG addict
ROFL nice water cooling
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I voted 1/10 because:

It is what it is.
Posted on Reply
woaa..LOL hahahaha.. 10/10... the most High End PC of all time.. where do you get those water cooling?psu, rams, mobo, gpu, and hardisk also watercool.. awesome dude..hahaha, wish I could afford to build a PC like that.. Really like it.. haha:D
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legends84woaa..LOL hahahaha.. 10/10... the most High End PC of all time.. where do you get those water cooling?psu, rams, mobo, gpu, and hardisk also watercool.. awesome dude..hahaha, wish I could afford to build a PC like that.. Really like it.. haha:D
Thanks. We spent more time ROLF than actually modding it! My friend and I still crack up laughing whenever we talk about our ridiculous joke!
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I voted 10/10 because:

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I voted 10/10 because:

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I voted 10/10 because:

it gets a 10
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WCG Team Assistant
I voted 1/10 because:

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I voted 10/10 because:

Nice one!!
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