Performed Mods:
I have installed 2 UV black lights inside the case. I have installed a near silent fan/heat sink on my cpu made by arctic cooling. I have installed a near silent fan/heat sink on my video card made by Scythe. I have installed a ram cooler made by patriot, and a no name HDD cooler, Both are hooked up to a Thermaltake fan controller that I have installed inside the case. I have also installed a temp monitor by aero cool into one of the HDD bays. I have custom cut a 5 1/2 in cover to mask around the outside of the temp monitor as well as placed 2 more covers under the HDD to hide some of the wire management. I have cut and painted a piece of sheet metal and screwed into the side of my 5 1/2 in bays to hide some of the wire management behind it. On the metal piece I have painted my personal symbol as well as my gamer tag. It was only my 3rd time using my air brush so be kind. I have cut a window on the side of the case to show off the artwork on the sheet metal as well as the temp readings. and lastly I have replaced the front grill with a metal honeycomb mesh that I have painted blue.
judge my painting kindly, its only my third time using a airbrush.
13 Comments on silver
Especially like the sideways mounted controls, Also very clean wiring.
This is an excellent job (but seems worth more than a 6)
Awesome unit. Looks like you put alot of work and hi-tech into it. Great job.
Looks great and I'll bet it will scream!!
Nice looks great!! Good Job.