Project Dreamer

February 28th 2013
4,793 times
Good (5.1)
Voting Graph 15 votes total
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Key Features:
This modder's other projects:
System Specs:
  • Gigabyte GZ-X1 Air cooled
  • 4GB RAM
  • Sata Hdd
Performed Mods:
Exterior vinyl wrap and window install
First attempt at case modding, turned out pretty good. Next time gonna try a full paint job.
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5 Comments on Project Dreamer

I voted 10/10 because:

dick vote 1 hero vote 10
Posted on Reply
I voted 3/10 because:

The details are like... cheap and poor.
It is a nice idea, but with lack of a good shaped detalis.
Posted on Reply
Sah7dI voted 3/10 because:

The details are like... cheap and poor.
It is a nice idea, but with lack of a good shaped detalis.[/QUOTE Thanks for vote and appreciating that it is a nice idea.
MontalvaI voted 10/10 because:

dick vote 1 hero vote 10[/QUOTE Thanks for the vote]
Posted on Reply
I voted 10/10 because:

It is easy to vote a one and not give a reason.

There was an experiment conducted where one person was hooked to a chair and another person was placed in front of him. The person that was not bound was told they could push the button in front and give the person in front an electrical shock. Very few would do so if the bound person could see them but when they were cloaked so that the bound person could not identify them they became almost sadistic. I am not try to get behind the ideology of those who give ones without justification but I feel she should be required to say who they are so we may also look at their accomplishments. I am sorry for becoming long winded but this is a case modification site not a performance site those who truly work on their cases producing a one of a kind deserve our respect for their accomplishments and should be judged according to those standards. You can purchase a lot of part and put them together yet you have not done any medications, but painting, changing design, being creative is what medications are all about. So my standard is if I can purchase and produce the same computer it is not modified, if I have to perform design changes, and extra steps to achieve the same design it is modified. Can I produce a computer that looks like this one off the shelf; no I can’t so therefore this is a modified computer and I vote 10 to counter the children who hide behind their mask not wanting us to see their work. I also like to give pointers where I can to help my fellow modders.
Posted on Reply
@ Ranse

Thank you for the vote, and appreciating the efforts of the modder's to bring their creations to life.

P.S. Any tips/tricks you have to offer are also appreciated.
Posted on Reply
Oct 19th, 2024 21:52 EDT change timezone

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