Lizard Desk

August 5th 2014
11,542 times
Incredible (8.6)
Voting Graph 30 votes total
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Key Features:
High Rated Scratch Build
This modder's other projects:
System Specs:
  • Very old PC. Needs replacement )
This is my last project. I wanted to make custom PC desk made of wood. And there are the final photos.
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13 Comments on Lizard Desk

That is badass! Nice work!
Posted on Reply
It looks like 3D photoshop
But if it's real, nice work
Posted on Reply
Insane ! Magnifique !

But, way too much photoshop on the pics ( but it's just me ).

really nice work man.
Posted on Reply
This is hands-down the best desk-based system I've seen so far. Very clean, very unique, still very versatile and easily accessible. The only complaint is with the wiring and organization of the internal components - that bottom leg could have housed the motherboard, while saving the more-frequently-upgraded components (such as hard drives) in those drawers. Very awesome build!
Posted on Reply
That´s a nice and original computer desk, thank you for sharing.
Posted on Reply
awesome build..... but how about the airflow? still 10/10. You should authorise a product line or something.
Posted on Reply
Very cool and beautifully done.... even if you are not running good components in it.... that can be upgraded.
Remarkable work and craftsmanship !!!! Kudos !
Posted on Reply
Did any preplanning or preparation go into the build? How much of this was planned and laid out before you actually started constructing the desk?
Posted on Reply
w2edDid any preplanning or preparation go into the build? How much of this was planned and laid out before you actually started constructing the desk?
Mostly I have just a "vision" what I want to achieve. Some problems need to be resolved in the meantime. I never make final plans for my own creations. And in every project I want to learn some new techniques.
Posted on Reply
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