Assassin Creed

June 22nd 2016
4,709 times
Good (4.5)
Voting Graph 11 votes total
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This modder's other projects:
System Specs:
  • Amd Fx 8350
  • R9 290x
  • G skill 8 GB ram
  • Thermaltake F31 Case
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4 Comments on Assassin Creed

is that fabric covering the psu shroud? Either way it dosent deserve the 1(pesky trolls) so im giving it a 9 to balance out. More pictures please.
Posted on Reply
it should be a rule that if you vote 3 and under you have to post your pc -.-! seriously a 1? this is awesome, good job
Posted on Reply
I voted 8/10 because:

ill vote 8 :) it's a good mod for sure. more pics probably would have givin higher
Posted on Reply
Taphatchot Doritos
SithLordI voted 8/10 because:

ill vote 8 :) it's a good mod for sure. more pics probably would have givin higher
Posted on Reply
Sep 26th, 2024 17:54 EDT change timezone

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