Evil Dead

October 19th 2017
4,059 times
Good (4.8)
Voting Graph 8 votes total
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Key Features:
Intel CPU NVIDIA Graphics Scratch Build
System Specs:
  • CPU i3 540@Lapped@OC 4.2
  • MB Gigabyte H55N-USB3
  • COOLER Scythe Mugen 5
  • GPU Gigabyte 1060 3gb ITX
  • SSD OCZ Vertex2 60GB
  • PSU Seasonic SSR-360GP
Carved paulownia wood
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5 Comments on Evil Dead

- No inside look
- No view of any IO or configuration

For all we know this is carved wooden box
Posted on Reply
Hedgemon- No inside look
- No view of any IO or configuration

For all we know this is carved wooden box
I would agree with your statement, however, I will have a little more faith! I Will give him a 7 because I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. If we get more pictures... that score will go up!
Posted on Reply
Crazy zookeepster
I voted 7/10 because:

There isnt much going on, on the tech side, but the carving work is exceptional. I give it a 7 because the carving does require much skill.
Posted on Reply
Voted 7 , cos i've checked out worklog ;) cheers.
Posted on Reply
I voted 8/10 because:

I checked the worklog. Need more of these truly stealthy case ideas.
Posted on Reply
Sep 18th, 2024 04:28 EDT change timezone

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