Big ol' Armor

June 3rd 2007
10,024 times
Superb (7.8)
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Key Features:
High Rated AMD CPU NVIDIA Graphics
This modder's other projects:
System Specs:
  • Specs...
  • Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe Motherboard
  • AMD Athlon 4800x2
  • Thermaltake Armor Black Case
  • Ultra X2 Power Supply Modular
  • EVGA 7950GX2 Video Card
  • 2GB of OCZ Platinum Dual Channel Memory
  • 2 300GB Seagate Hard Drives SATA II
  • Scythe Ninja CPU Cooler
  • 2 NEC DVD Burners
  • A Memory Card Reader on the front
  • An extra Thermaltake I-cage
  • All case fans are Aerocool Turbine 120mm Fans
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10 Comments on Big ol' Armor

its a nice mobo you got but i think its time for an upgrade :)

i also luv the gfx card
Posted on Reply
good looking pc very good mine pc is shits i have intel e6420 4mb l2 chache mobo asus commando 2gb corsair 667mhz stacker 830 case and superflower aurora psu and 320gb sata ii hdd is all ok bt the case when i opening the sidepanel the serface scratched i dont know what to do help me pls:((
techn0l0gy_b0ygood looking pc very good mine pc is shits i have intel e6420 4mb l2 chache mobo asus commando 2gb corsair 667mhz stacker 830 case and superflower aurora psu and 320gb sata ii hdd is all ok bt the case when i opening the sidepanel the serface scratched i dont know what to do help me pls:((
Punctuation would help comprehension.
Posted on Reply
good ol armour case n sli in ur board n gfx card woot woot quality m8y nice 1 love the cooler aswell
My stars went supernova

You could make those cables have some kind of pattern to them.
Posted on Reply
I can now say I've seen messy cables look good.

Posted on Reply
I might be selling this soon... any idea what a fair asking price would be?
Posted on Reply
Nice Blue-Black Armor :D
Posted on Reply
Love the Armor case! (Of course) but I would like to see some pics of it with the side off and the room lighted.. maybe It's not as impressive, because you will loose the UV effect, but still.. The cables looks nice and "shiny" but you should try some basic cable management.. But overall, Very nice!
Posted on Reply
Jul 16th, 2024 17:55 EDT change timezone

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