Performed Mods:
First thing I did was dremel out a 120mm fan hole on the front of the case, behind the plastic panel. The stock 80mm hole was too small and let almost no air through. I had to modify the front panel a bit to get it to fit. Next thing was cutting out the side window, that was fairly easy and turned out well. And now the crappiest mod for this case, I hacked together a casing for some USB and audio ports to fit on the top of the case, it looks bad because I screwed up the bondo job, and it doesn't even work because I stupidly used conductive spray paint to paint it, and some got on the PCB and killed it. I also painted the faceplates of the DVD burner, floppy drive and top cover of the case black to match the rest of the case.
I know the wiring is a complete mes, I've been to lazy to sort it out. And it's pretty dusty, but once again I just don't really care.
3 Comments on Cheap case turned into something decent
pretty good..