NVIDIA To Unveil GeForce GTX 400 Series at PAX
NVIDIA built a fair bit of hype over the weekend on Twitter, when it said that come Monday, it would make a "major announcement". It turns out that the company will unveil its GeForce GTX 400 series graphics card at the PAX East gaming event to be held in late March, on the 26th, 31 days away at the time of preparing this report. The PAX East event will be held in Boston, United States.
NVIDIA will unveil two of its high-end, next-generation graphics cards based on the GeForce GTX 480 and GeForce GTX 470. Being DirectX 11 compliant marks that generation shift. An American online retailer listed the GeForce GTX 480 for US $699 on pre-order.
NVIDIA will unveil two of its high-end, next-generation graphics cards based on the GeForce GTX 480 and GeForce GTX 470. Being DirectX 11 compliant marks that generation shift. An American online retailer listed the GeForce GTX 480 for US $699 on pre-order.