1MORE hits a home run with the Triple Driver to these ears. The tuning brings with it a good amount of bass that is well behaved and a great, slightly warm-sounding midrange. Treble-performance-wise, you can find some that will get you more for less, but the Triple Driver is not far behind.
Overall, the Triple Driver is among the best €92.90 in-ears I have heard in a long time. It simply ticks all the boxes for a great everyday in-ear you can take with you since it sounds great and can take a beating. With the Triple Driver, you get a fantastic bundle as well, which just adds to a package that already packs spectacular value.
On top of that, the Triple Driver is just really comfortable to wear and easy to pull in and out of your ears. It will probably prove a little troublesome in very small ears or to people with very small and shallow conchas, but the majority of people will probably find its ear pieces very easy to get to fit just right.