Surveillance Center
The last time we reviewed an Asustor NAS we didn't have any IP cameras at our disposal, but we now have one, which makes this a great opportunity to install and test the Surveillance Center app you will find in App Central.
The Surveillance Center application provides you with the ability to collectively manage an array of IP cameras, and Asustor provides four free camera licenses where the competition only comes with one. Its web-based interface allows you to monitor live feed from all cameras, and playback previously recorded video.
As you will notice by taking a look at the above screenshots, setting our Foscam camera up was very easy.
After you add your cameras, you can specify their recording schedule and the storage quota for recordings.
Our camera has now been installed and is ready to survey our area of interest.
The notification system will alert you at once in the event of an interruption, giving you the ability to dynamically monitor your most valued assets.
There is a useful log and information on online users in this particular window.