You can download and install the Surveillance Center app in App Central.
You must first go into the settings menu to install the IP cameras connected to your network. You can either elect to automatically scan for IP cameras or manually input their IP addresses. The automatic scan only recognized two of our three Foscam cameras properly, so we had to input the third camera manually.
Username and password verification is the next step.
This menu allows you to configure each installed camera by selecting a video format and resolution and setting the frames per second.
After you add your cameras, you can specify their recording schedule and the storage quota for those recordings. Setting up a recording schedule is also a breeze.
A notification system will immediately alert you in the event of an interruption, giving you the ability to dynamically monitor your most valued assets, and there is a useful log and some information on who is online. You can also enable the RTSP server and stream video from your cameras to another network location.
The Logs tab not only logs events since there is a user activity window. You can even check on which users are active.
Event action rules will help you with more efficiently controlling your cameras and monitoring their designated areas.
You can upload maps of the surveillance areas, which will make the monitoring process easier.
The Surveillance Center application provides you with the ability to collectively manage an array of IP cameras, and Asustor provides four free camera licenses for free where the competition only provides you with one or two. A maximum number of 25 cameras are supported.
These options allow you to change the login screen of Surveillance Center. You can choose one of the templates or create a new one.
Use the Settings tab to set the maximum length of each recording in minutes and whether there will be a pre- or post-recording (in seconds). A storage quota can also be configured here, and you have the ability to either stop recordings if the quota is reached or overwrite the oldest files, which is enabled by default.
Before using the Live View function, you will be asked to download a component. Although we did download a component, a message asking us to do so kept popping up in Google Chrome. We had to use Firefox in order for Live View to work properly.
The web-based interface allows you to monitor live feeds and playback previously recorded video content.