To find the maximum overclock of our card we used a combination of GPUTool and our benchmarking suite.
The overclocks listed here were achieved with the default fan and voltage settings as defined in the VGA BIOS. Please note that every single sample overclocks differently, that's why our results here can only serve as a guideline for what you can expect from your card.
The overclocks of our card are 820 MHz core (31% overclock) and 920 MHz Memory (18% overclock). Even though the card runs cool and very quiet there still is a substantial overclocking potential available.
Using these clock frequencies we ran a quick test of Call of Duty 4 to evaluate the gains from overclocking.
The actual 3D performance gained from overclocking is 23.8%.
Temperatures look excellent. Even with overclocking the temperature is comfortably cool. This is even more surprising because the card offers very low noise levels in idle and load and also low temperatures. Great job, Axle.