ECS A770M-A Review 5

ECS A770M-A Review

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BIOS Continued

On the Internal Peripherals page you find the usual options available in most BIOSes. The JMB361 SATA controller is responsible for connectivity of the single eSATA port. So if you don't plan to use eSATA, disable it and gain about one or two seconds of boot time.

No special items are listed on the power page.

Only two options are present in PCI PnP, both are usually fine at its default.

Several basic monitoring items can be found on the monitoring page, like CPU temperature, Fan speed, VCore and memory voltage.

A really nice feature is that you can exactly control how the CPU fan behaves based on CPU temperature. The options are very useful and let you tailor the settings exactly to your needs.

ECS has put only very few overclocking options in the BIOS. To enable overclocking you have to select CPU Overclocking Func = enabled. Once that is done, an additional option appears which lets you adjust the CPU frequency.

Two voltage adjustment options can be found on this board. One is to adjust VCore by up to +0.3V - reduced VCore would be nice here too. The memory voltage can be increased by up to 0.63V which a very nice range.

Unfortunately there is no multiplier change option present in the BIOS version we tested.
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