MSI GeForce GTX 650 Ti Power Edition 1 GB Review 41

MSI GeForce GTX 650 Ti Power Edition 1 GB Review

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Temperatures are very low, so is fan noise. Perfect.

GPU Temperature Comparison
MSI GTX 650 Ti PE25°C51°C
ASUS GTX 650 Ti DC II25°C48°C
Important: GPU temperature will vary depending on clock speed, voltage settings,
cooler design, and production variances. This table just serves to provide
a list of typical temperatures for similar cards, determined during TPU review.

Clock Profiles

Modern graphics cards have several clock profiles that are selected to balance power draw and performance requirements.

The following table lists the clock settings for important performance scenarios, and the GPU voltage that we measured. We performed the measurement on the pins of a coil or a capacitor near the GPU voltage regulator.

GPU Voltage
Desktop324 MHz162 MHz0.89 V
Multi-Monitor324 MHz162 MHz0.89 V
Blu-ray Playback324 MHz162 MHz0.89 V
3D Load993 MHz1350 MHz1.09 V
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