Average Response Time
The average response time is the average amount of time a storage device needs to receive a data request, find the corresponding data, access it, and return the requested results. The result depends on various factors. These include network bandwidth, the number and type of data requests, the type and technical characteristics of these storage devices, and the number of users who perform these data requests. For the results below, we assume that the NAS is accessed by a single user only. However, we intend to perform multi-user and client-response-time tests in the near future, once we finish putting together our new NAS test system build.
The lowest response time was with RAID 1, while the longest was recorded with a single HDD.
In the above graph, the TS-451+ registered the lowest response time in every scenario, compared to the Thecus N5810 Pro and Synology DS215+ NAS servers.
The following graph shows the NAS's overall performance in the tests we conducted using our custom-made software.
With open-file transfers, performance is amazing; however, performance drops significantly with encrypted files. The J1900 CPU this NAS uses lack support for the AES New Instruction set (Intel® AES NI), so it doesn't do well with encrypted file transfers.
Let us now compare the performance of the TS-451+ to that of other NAS devices.