Call of Duty 2 Demo
Call of Duty 2 is a new game with spectacular graphics. Our Radeon X850XT PE lost 15 FPS to the 6800 Ultra on low details, the 6800 Ultra just about managed to take the lead in the high resolution test.
Similarly to Call of Duty 2, F.E.A.R. also offers some mind-boggling effects and graphics. Here, the FX 5800 just doesn't cut it - the framerate on the other cards is quite tied. Running the F.E.A.R. benchmark was quite "painful" on the FX 5800 - the benchmark was very slow, rendering frame by frame.
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2 was the last game on our benchmark list. The 1600x1200, 4x AA and 16x AF result was particularly interesting, as the X850 managed to draw double the amount of frames that the 6800 Ultra was capable of doing.